饮料和鸡尾酒 柠檬水


crawdaddy against white backgroundcrawdaddy against white background



绝对伏特加原味, 苏打水, 柠檬水, 柠檬

red hope against white backgroundred hope against white background

Red Hope

Red Hope

金酒, 杏子白兰地, 柠檬水, 草莓糖浆, 青柠, 薄荷叶, 草莓

the thanksgiving punch against white backgroundthe thanksgiving punch against white background

The Thanksgiving Punch

The Thanksgiving Punch

蔓越莓汁, 柠檬水, 姜汁汽水, 柠檬

absolut lime lemonade in environmentabsolut lime lemonade in environment

Absolut Lime Lemonade

Absolut Lime Lemonade

Absolut Lime, 柠檬水, 黑莓, 薄荷叶

absolut vodka lemonade in environmentabsolut vodka lemonade in environment

Absolut Vodka Lemonade

Absolut Vodka Lemonade

绝对伏特加原味, 柠檬水, 柠檬

absolut wild berri lemonade in environmentabsolut wild berri lemonade in environment

Absolut Wild Berri Lemonade

Absolut Wild Berri Lemonade

Absolut Wild Berri, 柠檬水, 柠檬