提供饮料和鸡尾酒 长水杯

又名柯林杯。高球杯可能是现在最常用的饮品杯。容量通常为 7 盎司 (200 毫升)。可用来盛装许多“常见”饮品,例如 Vodka Tonic 和 ABSOLUT RUBY Seabreeze。

ramos gin fizz in environmentramos gin fizz in environment

Ramos Gin Fizz

Ramos Gin Fizz

金酒, 奶油, 简易糖浆, 柠檬汁, 青柠汁, 橙花水, 蛋白, 苏打水, 橙皮

fidel castro against white backgroundfidel castro against white background

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

古巴陈酿朗姆酒, 姜汁汽水, 青柠汁, 青柠

gin fizz in environmentgin fizz in environment

Gin Fizz

Gin Fizz

金酒, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 苏打水, 柠檬, 薄荷叶

anejo highball against white backgroundanejo highball against white background

Anejo Highball

Anejo Highball

古巴陈酿朗姆酒, 姜汁啤酒, 橙子柑香酒, 青柠汁, 苦味酒, 青柠, 橙子

absolut watermelon and lemonade in environmentabsolut watermelon and lemonade in environment

Absolut Watermelon and Lemonade

Absolut Watermelon and Lemonade

Absolut Watermelon, 柠檬水, 黄瓜, 薄荷叶

malibu and applejuice against white backgroundmalibu and applejuice against white background

Malibu and Applejuice

Malibu and Applejuice

马利宝朗姆酒, 鲜榨苹果汁, 苹果

absolut reality in environmentabsolut reality in environment

Absolut Reality

Absolut Reality

绝对伏特加原味, 苹果汁, 蓝橙酒, 柠檬

apple ginger rickey against white backgroundapple ginger rickey against white background

Apple Ginger Rickey

Apple Ginger Rickey

Absolut Juice Apple, 姜汁汽水, 橙汁, 青柠

tropical fruit punch against white backgroundtropical fruit punch against white background

Tropical Fruit Punch

Tropical Fruit Punch

菠萝汁, 番石榴汁, 橙汁, 青柠汁, 青柠, 菠萝

absolut berry and apple breeze against white backgroundabsolut berry and apple breeze against white background

Absolut Berry and Apple Breeze

Absolut Berry and Apple Breeze

绝对风味伏特加(黑加仑味), 苹果汁, 石榴汁, 蓝莓

absolut mandrin madras in environmentabsolut mandrin madras in environment

Absolut Mandrin Madras

Absolut Mandrin Madras

绝对风味伏特加(柑橘味), 橙汁, 蔓越莓汁, 青柠, 橙子

tatanka against white backgroundtatanka against white background



野牛草风味伏特加, 鲜榨苹果汁, 肉桂

absolut apeach dream against white backgroundabsolut apeach dream against white background

Absolut Apeach Dream

Absolut Apeach Dream

绝对风味伏特加(蜜桃味), 菠萝利口酒, 橙味苏打水, 桃子

malibu caribbean jewel against white backgroundmalibu caribbean jewel against white background

Malibu Caribbean Jewel

Malibu Caribbean Jewel

马利宝朗姆酒, 菠萝汁, 荔枝汁, 草莓利口酒, 草莓

red tonic against white backgroundred tonic against white background

Red Tonic

Red Tonic

绝对伏特加原味, 红石榴糖浆, 青柠汁, 汤力水, 柠檬

extrakt libre against white backgroundextrakt libre against white background

Extrakt Libre

Extrakt Libre

Absolut Extrakt, 可乐, 青柠

raspberry summer punch against white backgroundraspberry summer punch against white background

Raspberry Summer Punch

Raspberry Summer Punch

绝对伏特加原味, 黑加仑力娇酒, 覆盆子果泥, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 香槟, 黑莓

arnold palmer in environmentarnold palmer in environment

Arnold Palmer

Arnold Palmer

冰茶, 柠檬水, 柠檬

singapore sling in environmentsingapore sling in environment

Singapore Sling

Singapore Sling

金酒, 柠檬汁, 菠萝汁, 樱桃力娇酒, 橙皮力娇酒, 飘仙 1 号甜酒, 苦味酒, 简易糖浆, 苏打水, 樱桃, 菠萝

cuba ice tea against white backgroundcuba ice tea against white background

Cuba Ice Tea

Cuba Ice Tea

淡色朗姆酒, 冰茶, 菠萝利口酒, 菠萝

grapefruit cooler in environmentgrapefruit cooler in environment

Grapefruit Cooler

Grapefruit Cooler

Absolut Grapefruit, 白葡萄酒, 柠檬汁, 龙舌兰花蜜, 葡萄

absolut fizzy tonic in environmentabsolut fizzy tonic in environment

Absolut Fizzy Tonic

Absolut Fizzy Tonic

绝对伏特加原味, 汤力水, 青柠

absolut apeach with iced tea in environmentabsolut apeach with iced tea in environment

Absolut Apeach with Iced Tea

Absolut Apeach with Iced Tea

绝对风味伏特加(蜜桃味), 冰茶, 柠檬

extrakt gingerextrakt ginger

Extrakt Ginger

Extrakt Ginger

Absolut Extrakt, 姜汁汽水, 苦味酒, 青柠