红色 饮料和鸡尾酒

Discover the perfect red drinks made with Absolut Vodka, from classic favorites to innovative new recipes.

absolut red fruits against white backgroundabsolut red fruits against white background

Absolut Red Fruits

Absolut Red Fruits

绝对伏特加原味, 桑葚, 覆盆子, 草莓, 超细蔗糖, 香橙巧克力利口酒

absolut raspberri burst against white backgroundabsolut raspberri burst against white background

Absolut Raspberri Burst

Absolut Raspberri Burst

绝对风味伏特加(覆盆莓味), 蔓越莓汁, 菠萝汁, 菠萝, 覆盆子

raspberry dream against white backgroundraspberry dream against white background

Raspberry Dream

Raspberry Dream

覆盆子朗姆酒, 蔓越莓汁, 覆盆子苏打水, 橙皮力娇酒, 青柠汁

absolut pears garden in environmentabsolut pears garden in environment

Absolut Pears Garden

Absolut Pears Garden

绝对风味伏特加(苹果梨味), 蔓越莓汁, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 黑醋栗酒, 雪梨

bishop against white backgroundbishop against white background



淡色朗姆酒, 红葡萄酒, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆

pink lady (original) against white backgroundpink lady (original) against white background

Pink Lady (original)

Pink Lady (original)

金酒, 苹果白兰地, 柠檬汁, 红石榴糖浆, 蛋白, 酒浸樱桃

claret punch against white backgroundclaret punch against white background

Claret Punch

Claret Punch

柠檬汁, 橙子柑香酒, 简易糖浆, 红葡萄酒, 橙子, 红加仑, 草莓

blood-transfusion against white backgroundblood-transfusion against white background



淡色朗姆酒, 樱桃力娇酒, 青柠汁

kirschcobbler against white backgroundkirschcobbler against white background



樱桃白兰地, 樱桃汁, 苏打水, 樱桃

vodka cocktail against white backgroundvodka cocktail against white background

Vodka Cocktail

Vodka Cocktail

绝对伏特加原味, 苦味酒

savoy corpse reviver against white backgroundsavoy corpse reviver against white background

Savoy Corpse Reviver

Savoy Corpse Reviver

干邑白兰地, 白薄荷酒, 菲奈特布兰卡酒

absolut mistletoe in environmentabsolut mistletoe in environment

Absolut Mistletoe

Absolut Mistletoe

绝对伏特加原味, 蔓越莓汁, 青柠汁, 柠檬青柠苏打水, 红加仑

prado against white backgroundprado against white background



白色龙舌兰, 青柠汁, 黑樱桃力娇酒, 红石榴糖浆, 柠檬, 酒浸樱桃

absolut ancient against white backgroundabsolut ancient against white background

Absolut Ancient

Absolut Ancient

绝对 100, 橙子苦味酒, 酒浸樱桃, 橙子

fifth avenue against white backgroundfifth avenue against white background

Fifth Avenue

Fifth Avenue

金酒, 干味苦艾酒, 阿玛雷托酒, 金巴利酒

absolut watermelon smash in environmentabsolut watermelon smash in environment

Absolut Watermelon Smash

Absolut Watermelon Smash

简易糖浆, 蜜瓜

citron nigroni against white backgroundcitron nigroni against white background

Citron Nigroni

Citron Nigroni

绝对风味伏特加(柠檬味), 金巴利酒, 甜苦艾酒, 橙子

flying high against white backgroundflying high against white background

Flying High

Flying High

金酒, 樱桃力娇酒, 橙汁, 蛋白, 柠檬汁, 苦味酒

christmas in hollis in environmentchristmas in hollis in environment

Christmas in Hollis

Christmas in Hollis

绝对伏特加原味, 红利莱酒, Sugar Syrup, 巧克力苦味酒, 橙子

morning against white backgroundmorning against white background



干邑白兰地, 干味苦艾酒, 黑樱桃力娇酒, 橙子柑香酒, 橙子苦味酒, 法国茴香酒, 柠檬皮, 酒浸樱桃

absolut sangria rosada against white backgroundabsolut sangria rosada against white background

Absolut Sangria Rosada

Absolut Sangria Rosada

绝对风味伏特加(香菜味), 起泡酒, 石榴汁, 青柠汁, 橙子

absolut strawberry and kiwi in environmentabsolut strawberry and kiwi in environment

Absolut Strawberry and Kiwi

Absolut Strawberry and Kiwi

“半对半”奶油, 草莓

absolut raspberry shooter against white backgroundabsolut raspberry shooter against white background

Absolut Raspberry Shooter

Absolut Raspberry Shooter

绝对风味伏特加(覆盆莓味), 简易糖浆, 覆盆子

swedish negroni in environmentswedish negroni in environment

Swedish Negroni

Swedish Negroni

阿夸维特酒, 意大利苦味酒, 甜苦艾酒, 橙子, 迷迭香