Rooftop Party

The sky is the limit with a rooftop party! Being part of the urban generation means skyscrapers are your redwood trees and parking lots are your meadows. But the sky stays the same, and dancing in the sunset with a Dominican Sunrise in your hand is hard to beat. Bringing some of your indoor furniture outdoors adds a sense of liberation. Also, put some thought into how you light up the party. String lights are perfect for occasions like these and can be decorated to take the mood to the next level. Now, go own the sky! Do’s and Dont’s No party without music! Make sure you have access to an electrical outlet. Extension cords are essential. Batteries do the trick too, but are way more expensive. Don’t spread out the party! Make sure the guests don’t end up both indoors and outdoors by letting all the fun happen outdoors.

tequila sunrise in environmenttequila sunrise in environment

Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise

Текила, Апельсиновый сок, Гренадин, Апельсин, Вишня

so sunrise in environmentso sunrise in environment

So Sunrise

So Sunrise

Absolut Vodka, Апельсиновый сок, Гренадин, Апельсин

sunriser against white backgroundsunriser against white background



Апельсиновый сок, Лимонный сок, Гренадин, Газированная вода, Лимон

dominican sunrise against white backgrounddominican sunrise against white background

Dominican Sunrise

Dominican Sunrise

Текила Reposado, Лимонный сок, Сахарный сироп, Гренадин