Bebidas e coquetéis com Vodka

Vodka is a clear, distilled spirit that originates from the countries within the “Vodka Belt” of Europe. Traditionally, Vodka is made from fermented and distilled cereal grains, and in our case, winter wheat from the fields surrounding Åhus. In home bartending, Vodka is used to make famous drinks like the Cosmopolitan, Moscow Mule, Bloody Mary, and White Russian among many other modern classics.

absolut watermelon collinsabsolut watermelon collins

Absolut Watermelon Collins

Absolut Watermelon Collins

Absolut Watermelon, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Água com gás, Manjericão

absolut mandrin breeze against white backgroundabsolut mandrin breeze against white background

Absolut Mandrin Breeze

Absolut Mandrin Breeze

Absolut Mandrin, Suco de grapefruit, Suco de cranberry, Limão

raspberri fields forever in environmentraspberri fields forever in environment

Raspberri Fields Forever

Raspberri Fields Forever

Absolut Vodka, Compota de framboesa, Água com gás, Framboesa, Limão

factory cola against white backgroundfactory cola against white background

Factory Cola

Factory Cola

Absolut Vodka, Licor Kahlúa, Xarope de cerejas, Cola, Cereja

malibu cropover iced tea against white backgroundmalibu cropover iced tea against white background

Malibu Cropover Iced Tea

Malibu Cropover Iced Tea

Rum de Malibu, Absolut Vodka, Chá gelado, Água com gás, Laranja

passion star martini in environmentpassion star martini in environment

Passion Star Martini

Passion Star Martini

Absolut Vanilia, Puré de maracujá, Xarope de baunilha, Abacaxi, Maracujá

mud slide in environmentmud slide in environment

Mud Slide

Mud Slide

Absolut Vodka, Creme de leite, Licor de creme, Licor Kahlúa

campari nobile in environmentcampari nobile in environment

Campari Nobile

Campari Nobile

Absolut Vodka, Suco de laranja, Suco de framboesa, Campari, Limoncello, Refrigerante de Limão, Limão, Folha de hortelã, Framboesa, Amora silvestre

p2 in environmentp2 in environment



Absolut Vanilia, Licor de maçã, Suco de Limão, Refrigerante de Limão, Limão

absolut berry and apple breeze against white backgroundabsolut berry and apple breeze against white background

Absolut Berry and Apple Breeze

Absolut Berry and Apple Breeze

Absolut Kurant, Suco de maçã, Suco de romã, Mirtilo

the 100 negroni in environmentthe 100 negroni in environment

The 100 Negroni

The 100 Negroni

Absolut 100, Ramazzotti, Licor Kahlúa, Grapefruit (toranja)

cupids blue against white backgroundcupids blue against white background

Cupids Blue

Cupids Blue

Absolut Vodka, Curaçao Blue, Limonada, Limão

russian coffee against white backgroundrussian coffee against white background

Russian Coffee

Russian Coffee

Absolut Vodka, Café, Vinho tinto, Xarope simples

crime of passion in environmentcrime of passion in environment

Crime of Passion

Crime of Passion

Absolut Passionfruit, Vinho de ameixa, Suco de Limão, Sugar Syrup, Grapefruit (toranja)

volcano in environmentvolcano in environment



Absolut Vodka, Creme de coco, Sorvete de baunilha, Licor de amêndoa, Cereja

fancy nancy in environmentfancy nancy in environment

Fancy Nancy

Fancy Nancy

Absolut Vodka, Suco de laranja, Triple Sec, Campari, Xarope simples, Laranja

bull shot in environmentbull shot in environment

Bull Shot

Bull Shot

Absolut Vodka, Consomê de carne, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Molho Inglês, Molho de pimenta

absolut gibson in environmentabsolut gibson in environment

Absolut Gibson

Absolut Gibson

Absolut Vodka, Vermute seco, Cebola de coquetel

absolut vanilia sunrise against white backgroundabsolut vanilia sunrise against white background

Absolut Vanilia Sunrise

Absolut Vanilia Sunrise

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de laranja, Groselha, Laranja

absolut juice apple and soda in environmentabsolut juice apple and soda in environment

Absolut Juice Apple and Soda

Absolut Juice Apple and Soda

Absolut Juice Apple, Água com gás, Maçã

absolut passion fruit in environmentabsolut passion fruit in environment

Absolut Passion Fruit

Absolut Passion Fruit

Absolut Citron, Limão, Maracujá, Açúcar mascavo

black forest gateau martini in environmentblack forest gateau martini in environment

Black Forest Gateau Martini

Black Forest Gateau Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de amora preta, Licor de morango, Licor de cassis, Creme de leite

absolut honey bubble against white backgroundabsolut honey bubble against white background

Absolut Honey Bubble

Absolut Honey Bubble

Absolut Vodka, Mel, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Champanhe

bon bon in environmentbon bon in environment

Bon Bon

Bon Bon

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Limoncello, Butterscotch Schnapps, Xarope de baunilha