Bebidas e coquetéis com Rum de Malibu

Aprecie estes deliciosos cocktails de rum das caraíbas feitos com rum de Malibu com o sabor suave e fresco do coco e frutos frescos, e desfrute do sabor refrescante dos trópicos.

caribbean punsch against white backgroundcaribbean punsch against white background

Caribbean Punsch

Caribbean Punsch

Overproof rum, Rum de Malibu, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Amaretto, Licor Galliano, Groselha, Suco de abacaxi

chill-out martini against white backgroundchill-out martini against white background

Chill-out Martini

Chill-out Martini

Absolut Vodka, Rum de Malibu, Licor de creme, Suco de laranja

top of the view against white backgroundtop of the view against white background

Top of The View

Top of The View

Rum de Malibu, Rum escuro da Jamaica, Suco de goiaba, Suco de laranja, Suco de abacaxi, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Groselha, Laranja

to die for against white backgroundto die for against white background

To Die For

To Die For

Rum de Malibu, Suco de abacaxi, Licor de chocolate branco, Licor de melão

russian ruble against white backgroundrussian ruble against white background

Russian Ruble

Russian Ruble

Absolut Vodka, Rum de Malibu, Tequila , Suco de cranberry, Limão

malibu bullfisher against white backgroundmalibu bullfisher against white background

Malibu Bullfisher

Malibu Bullfisher

Rum de Malibu, Suco de maçã, recém preparado, Cerveja de gengibre

atomic dog against white backgroundatomic dog against white background

Atomic Dog

Atomic Dog

Rum de Malibu, Rum claro, Suco de Limão, Licor de melão, Suco de abacaxi

tao-tini against white backgroundtao-tini against white background



Absolut Mandrin, Absolut Raspberri, Rum de Malibu, Suco de cranberry, Suco de Limão

castel jane barbancourt against white backgroundcastel jane barbancourt against white background

Castel Jane Barbancourt

Castel Jane Barbancourt

Rum do tipo haitiano, Rum de Malibu, Suco de abacaxi, Suco de lima-da-pérsia

melon collie martini against white backgroundmelon collie martini against white background

Melon Collie Martini

Melon Collie Martini

Rum de Malibu, Rum claro, Creme de leite, Leite, Licor de melão, Licor de cacau branco

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Harlem Nights

Harlem Nights

Rum de Malibu, Tequila , Suco de abacaxi, Licor Kahlúa, Schnapps de pêssego, Cereja marrasquino, Laranja

spooky colada in environmentspooky colada in environment

Spooky Colada

Spooky Colada

Rum de Malibu, Absolut Lime, Suco de abacaxi, Creme de coco, Suco de Limão, Angostura Bitters