Bebidas e coquetéis verde

alligator against white backgroundalligator against white background



Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Licor de kiwi

e.t. against white backgrounde.t. against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de creme, Licor de melão

grasshopper in environmentgrasshopper in environment



Licor de menta verde, Licor de cacau branco, Creme de leite

mystic martini in environmentmystic martini in environment

Mystic Martini

Mystic Martini

Absolut Vodka, Absinto, Azeitonas verdes

the alchemistthe alchemist

The Alchemist

The Alchemist

Absolut Vodka, Xarope simples, Pepino, Limão, Sal, Água com gás

green innocence against white backgroundgreen innocence against white background

Green Innocence

Green Innocence

Gim, Licor de menta verde

caruso against white backgroundcaruso against white background



Gim, Vermute seco, Licor de menta verde

grapefruit drop shotgrapefruit drop shot

Grapefruit Drop Shot

Grapefruit Drop Shot

Absolut Grapefruit, Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Toranja rosa

parade of passionparade of passion

Parade of Passion

Parade of Passion

Absolut Karnival Edition, Suco de maçã, Suco de romã

gg against white backgroundgg against white background



Gim, Licor de melão, Curaçao Blue, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Kiwi, Limão

bazooka against white backgroundbazooka against white background



Conhaque, Gim, licor Chartreuse verde, Brandy de cereja

green-eyed monster against white backgroundgreen-eyed monster against white background

Green-eyed Monster

Green-eyed Monster

Gim, licor Chartreuse verde, Vermute, doce

port & starboard against white backgroundport & starboard against white background

Port & Starboard

Port & Starboard

Licor de menta verde, Groselha

vincent blackvincent black

Vincent Black

Vincent Black

Absolut Vodka, Conhaque, Xarope de bordo

blue elephant against white backgroundblue elephant against white background

Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Suco de abacaxi, Curaçao Blue, Abacaxi

preston against white backgroundpreston against white background



Gim, licor Chartreuse verde, Água com gás

blue heaven against white backgroundblue heaven against white background

Blue Heaven

Blue Heaven

Rum claro, Suco de abacaxi, Amaretto, Curaçao Blue, Suco de Limão, Cereja marrasquino, Abacaxi

absolut mint julep in environmentabsolut mint julep in environment

Absolut Mint Julep

Absolut Mint Julep

Absolut Vodka, Folha de hortelã, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Limão

petit pois against white backgroundpetit pois against white background

Petit Pois

Petit Pois

Curaçao verde, Curaçao Blue, Licor de menta verde

kiwinoska against white backgroundkiwinoska against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de kiwi, Xarope simples, Limão, Kiwi

mock whiskey against white backgroundmock whiskey against white background

Mock Whiskey

Mock Whiskey

Suco de Limão, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

absolut madam against white backgroundabsolut madam against white background

Absolut Madam

Absolut Madam

Absolut Citron, Cordial de Limão e citronela, Licor de melão, Сок из маракуйи, Cordial de Limão, Folha de hortelã, Laranja

absolut apeach drop against white backgroundabsolut apeach drop against white background

Absolut Apeach Drop

Absolut Apeach Drop

Absolut Apeach, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Pêssego

alaska against white backgroundalaska against white background



Gim, licor Chartreuse verde, Xerez, Bebida tipo Bitter, Licor amargo de laranja, Laranja