Bebidas e coquetéis transparente

Clear drinks and cocktails to match your mood or party theme. Clear drinks are great to serve on New Year's Eve and at cocktail parties. The common ingredients in clear drinks and cocktails are vodka, gin, and soda water. Common clear cocktails include a Martini and Vodka Martini and a Dirty Martini.

vesper martini in environmentvesper martini in environment

Vesper Martini

Vesper Martini

Gim (velho Tom), Absolut Elyx, Lillet Blanc, Raspas de limão

absolut fizzy tonic in environmentabsolut fizzy tonic in environment

Absolut Fizzy Tonic

Absolut Fizzy Tonic

Absolut Vodka, Água tônica, Limão

 absolut juice apple spritz in environment absolut juice apple spritz in environment

Absolut Juice Apple Spritz

Absolut Juice Apple Spritz

Absolut Juice Apple, Água com gás, Vinho frisante, Maçã

extrakt citrus bite  in environmentextrakt citrus bite  in environment

Extrakt Citrus Bite

Extrakt Citrus Bite

Absolut Extrakt, Limão

absolut grapefruit mule in environmentabsolut grapefruit mule in environment

Absolut Grapefruit Mule

Absolut Grapefruit Mule

Absolut Grapefruit, Suco de Limão, Cerveja de gengibre, Grapefruit (toranja)

absolut lime soda in environmentabsolut lime soda in environment

Absolut Lime Soda

Absolut Lime Soda

Absolut Lime, Água com gás, Suco de Limão, Limão

absolut watermelon collinsabsolut watermelon collins

Absolut Watermelon Collins

Absolut Watermelon Collins

Absolut Watermelon, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Água com gás, Manjericão

rum squirt against white backgroundrum squirt against white background

Rum Squirt

Rum Squirt

Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Xarope de amêndoas de orchata, Água com gás, Abacaxi

volcano in environmentvolcano in environment



Absolut Vodka, Creme de coco, Sorvete de baunilha, Licor de amêndoa, Cereja

absolut gibson in environmentabsolut gibson in environment

Absolut Gibson

Absolut Gibson

Absolut Vodka, Vermute seco, Cebola de coquetel

absolut juice apple and soda in environmentabsolut juice apple and soda in environment

Absolut Juice Apple and Soda

Absolut Juice Apple and Soda

Absolut Juice Apple, Água com gás, Maçã

sunset against white backgroundsunset against white background



Tequila , Suco de Limão, Groselha, Limão

absolut citron sling in environmentabsolut citron sling in environment

Absolut Citron Sling

Absolut Citron Sling

Absolut Citron, Licor de flor de sabugueiro, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Água com gás, Limão

absolut peppar soda in environmentabsolut peppar soda in environment

Absolut Peppar Soda

Absolut Peppar Soda

Absolut Peppar, Água com gás, Suco de Limão, Limão, Pimenta picante chilena

black russian 100 against white backgroundblack russian 100 against white background

Black Russian 100

Black Russian 100

Absolut 100, Licor Kahlúa, Cereja marrasquino

grapefruit and soda in environmentgrapefruit and soda in environment

Grapefruit and Soda

Grapefruit and Soda

Absolut Grapefruit, Água com gás, Grapefruit (toranja)

vodka collins in environmentvodka collins in environment

Vodka Collins

Vodka Collins

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Água com gás, Cereja, Laranja

absolut juice strawberry and tonic against white backgroundabsolut juice strawberry and tonic against white background

Absolut Juice Strawberry and Tonic

Absolut Juice Strawberry and Tonic

Absolut Juice Strawberry, Água tônica, Morango

whisky soda in environmentwhisky soda in environment

Whisky Soda

Whisky Soda

Uísque escocês, Água com gás, Limão

absolut citron gimlet in environmentabsolut citron gimlet in environment

Absolut Citron Gimlet

Absolut Citron Gimlet

Absolut Citron, Xarope simples, Suco de Limão, Limão

absolut pineapple against white backgroundabsolut pineapple against white background

Absolut Pineapple

Absolut Pineapple

Absolut Citron, Suco de abacaxi, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Abacaxi

gangadine against white backgroundgangadine against white background



Gim, Creme de Menta Branco, Pastis, Groselha

absolut twist in environmentabsolut twist in environment

Absolut Twist

Absolut Twist

Absolut Vodka, Limão, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Água tônica, Limão

big apple in environmentbig apple in environment

Big Apple

Big Apple

Absolut Elyx, Cerveja de gengibre, Xerez, Creme de cassis, Suco de maçã, Suco de Limão, Maçã