Bebidas e coquetéis transparente

Clear drinks and cocktails to match your mood or party theme. Clear drinks are great to serve on New Year's Eve and at cocktail parties. The common ingredients in clear drinks and cocktails are vodka, gin, and soda water. Common clear cocktails include a Martini and Vodka Martini and a Dirty Martini.

knock-out 2 against white backgroundknock-out 2 against white background

Knock-out 2

Knock-out 2

Vermute seco, Gim, Pastis

margherita española against white backgroundmargherita española against white background

Margherita Española

Margherita Española

Vermute seco, Gim, Triple Sec

shrove against white backgroundshrove against white background



Vermute seco, Pastis

absolut watermelon fizzy in environmentabsolut watermelon fizzy in environment

Absolut Watermelon Fizzy

Absolut Watermelon Fizzy

Absolut Watermelon, Água com gás, Melancia

absolut wild berri lemonade in environmentabsolut wild berri lemonade in environment

Absolut Wild Berri Lemonade

Absolut Wild Berri Lemonade

Absolut Wild Berri, Limonada, Limão

spooky colada in environmentspooky colada in environment

Spooky Colada

Spooky Colada

Rum de Malibu, Absolut Lime, Suco de abacaxi, Creme de coco, Suco de Limão, Angostura Bitters

jingle mule in environmentjingle mule in environment

Jingle Mule

Jingle Mule

Absolut Vodka, Suco de cranberry, Suco de Limão, Cerveja de gengibre, cranberry

harvest collins against white backgroundharvest collins against white background

Harvest Collins

Harvest Collins

Absolut Kurant, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Groselha vermelha, Água com gás

frankenjack against white backgroundfrankenjack against white background



Vermute seco, Gim, Brandy de damasco, Triple Sec

amp against white backgroundamp against white background



Absolut Vodka, Bourbon, Cereja marrasquino

absolut peach mule in environmentabsolut peach mule in environment

Absolut Peach Mule

Absolut Peach Mule

Absolut Apeach, Cerveja de gengibre, Suco de Limão, Pêssego

dolly o’dare against white backgrounddolly o’dare against white background

Dolly O’dare

Dolly O’dare

Vermute seco, Gim, Brandy de damasco, Laranja

absolut lime lemonade in environmentabsolut lime lemonade in environment

Absolut Lime Lemonade

Absolut Lime Lemonade

Absolut Lime, Limonada, Amora silvestre, Folha de hortelã

absolut grapefruit fizzy in environmentabsolut grapefruit fizzy in environment

Absolut Grapefruit Fizzy

Absolut Grapefruit Fizzy

Absolut Grapefruit, Água com gás, Grapefruit (toranja)

plaza against white backgroundplaza against white background



Vermute seco, Gim, Vermute, doce, Abacaxi

victor against white backgroundvictor against white background



Conhaque, Gim, Vermute, doce

baby’s own against white backgroundbaby’s own against white background

Baby’s Own

Baby’s Own

Triple Sec, Creme de leite, Bebida tipo Bitter

absolut lime fizzy in environmentabsolut lime fizzy in environment

Absolut Lime Fizzy

Absolut Lime Fizzy

Absolut Lime, Água com gás, Limão

absolut passionfruit fizzy in environmentabsolut passionfruit fizzy in environment

Absolut Passionfruit Fizzy

Absolut Passionfruit Fizzy

Absolut Passionfruit, Água com gás, Maracujá

absolut fast salty dog against white backgroundabsolut fast salty dog against white background

Absolut Fast Salty Dog

Absolut Fast Salty Dog

Absolut Ruby Red, Grapefruit (toranja)

strawberry and cream highball in environmentstrawberry and cream highball in environment

Strawberry and Cream Highball

Strawberry and Cream Highball

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope de morango, Água com gás, Limão

duomo against white backgroundduomo against white background



Gim, Vermute, doce, Triple Sec

absolut sensations spritz in environmentabsolut sensations spritz in environment

Absolut Sensations Spritz

Absolut Sensations Spritz

Absolut Sensations, Refrigerante de Limão, Laranja

blackthorn english 2 against white backgroundblackthorn english 2 against white background

Blackthorn English 2

Blackthorn English 2

Gim, Vermute, doce, Licor amargo de laranja, Água, Laranja