Bevande e cocktail con Absolut Kurant

Questa creazione Absolut ha un distintivo carattere di ribes nero, che conferisce lieve asprezza e dolcezza allo stesso tempo.

red manhattan against white backgroundred manhattan against white background

Red Manhattan

Red Manhattan

Absolut Kurant, St. Raphael, Amari, Ciliegia al maraschino

absolut kurant nordic against white backgroundabsolut kurant nordic against white background

Absolut Kurant Nordic

Absolut Kurant Nordic

Absolut Kurant, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Lime

cranberry kurant against white backgroundcranberry kurant against white background

Cranberry Kurant

Cranberry Kurant

Absolut Kurant, Sciroppo, Succo di limone, Mirtillo rosso

vincent hannah against white backgroundvincent hannah against white background

Vincent Hannah

Vincent Hannah

Absolut Kurant, Succo di mirtillo rosso, Lime

sizzling apple currant against white backgroundsizzling apple currant against white background

Sizzling Apple Currant

Sizzling Apple Currant

Absolut Kurant, Succo di lime, Sidro, Mela, Cannuccia

absolut kurant with apple juice against white backgroundabsolut kurant with apple juice against white background

Absolut Kurant with Apple Juice

Absolut Kurant with Apple Juice

Absolut Kurant, Succo di mela, Limone, Ribes nero

absolut blueberry shooter against white backgroundabsolut blueberry shooter against white background

Absolut Blueberry Shooter

Absolut Blueberry Shooter

Absolut Kurant, Sciroppo, Mirtillo

double vision against white backgrounddouble vision against white background

Double Vision

Double Vision

Absolut Citron, Absolut Kurant, Succo di mela spremuto fresco, Succo di limone, Falernum, Amari, Sciroppo alla mela verde

blossom against white backgroundblossom against white background



Absolut Kurant, Cordiale al lime, Succo di lime, Acqua, Lime

urban oasis against white backgroundurban oasis against white background

Urban Oasis

Urban Oasis

Absolut Mandrin, Absolut Kurant, Succo d’ananas, Liquore di lamponi neri, Ananas

absolut kurant noir against white backgroundabsolut kurant noir against white background

Absolut Kurant Noir

Absolut Kurant Noir

Absolut Kurant, Liquore al cioccolato, Ciliegia al maraschino

absolut wilhelm tell against white backgroundabsolut wilhelm tell against white background

Absolut Wilhelm Tell

Absolut Wilhelm Tell

Absolut Kurant, Succo di lime, Sidro

absolut berry ball against white backgroundabsolut berry ball against white background

Absolut Berry Ball

Absolut Berry Ball

Absolut Kurant, Sciroppo, Soda di lamponi, Mora, Lampone

absolut kurant apple cooler against white backgroundabsolut kurant apple cooler against white background

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant Apple Cooler

Absolut Kurant, Succo di mela, Soda, Liquore alla mora, Lime

absolut blackberry shooter against white backgroundabsolut blackberry shooter against white background

Absolut Blackberry Shooter

Absolut Blackberry Shooter

Absolut Kurant, Sciroppo, Mora

absolutismo against white backgroundabsolutismo against white background



Absolut Kurant, Succo di limone, Fragola, Fogliolina di menta, Zenzero

absolut blue pearl against white backgroundabsolut blue pearl against white background

Absolut Blue Pearl

Absolut Blue Pearl

Absolut Kurant, Blue Curaçao, Succo di limone, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Limone

bitter wineberry against white backgroundbitter wineberry against white background

Bitter Wineberry

Bitter Wineberry

Absolut Kurant, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Lime

absolut cherry crush against white backgroundabsolut cherry crush against white background

Absolut Cherry Crush

Absolut Cherry Crush

Absolut Kurant, Purea di ciliegie, Succo di lime, Ciliegia

ragnar in environmentragnar in environment



Absolut Kurant, Soda all’aroma di limone-lime, Limone

harvest collins against white backgroundharvest collins against white background

Harvest Collins

Harvest Collins

Absolut Kurant, Succo di limone, Sciroppo, Ribes rosso, Soda

absolut kurant bubbles against white backgroundabsolut kurant bubbles against white background

Absolut Kurant Bubbles

Absolut Kurant Bubbles

Absolut Kurant, Champagne