Bebidas y cócteles con Cola

La bebida para combinados más famosa del mundo ha pasado por buenos y malos momentos, pero siempre ha mantenido su estilo. Con un chorro de zumo de limón lo sitúa en una nueva dimensión de sabor.

absolut mochatiniabsolut mochatini

Absolut Mochatini

Absolut Mochatini

Absolut Vodka, Grano de Café, Chocolate, Almíbar

chocolate mint martinichocolate mint martini

Chocolate Mint Martini

Chocolate Mint Martini

Absolut Vodka, Vermú Seco, Licor de Chocolate Blanco, "crème de Menthe" (blanca)

mexico special against white backgroundmexico special against white background

Mexico Special

Mexico Special

Tequila Blanco, Leche, Salsa de Chocolate, Café Instantáneo Granulado

c c c against white backgroundc c c against white background



Whisky Canadiense, Cola, Zumo de Limón, Limón

westindies special against white backgroundwestindies special against white background

Westindies Special

Westindies Special

Ron Blanco, Kahlúa, Salsa de Chocolate, Leche, Cereza

absolut cherrys with cola against white backgroundabsolut cherrys with cola against white background

Absolut Cherrys with Cola

Absolut Cherrys with Cola

Absolut Apeach, Cola, Naranja

absolut berri cola against white backgroundabsolut berri cola against white background

Absolut Berri Cola

Absolut Berri Cola

Absolut Berri Açaí, Cola, Zumo de Lima, Lima

smiling esther against white backgroundsmiling esther against white background

Smiling Esther

Smiling Esther

Coñac, Licor de Chocolate y Naranja, Zumo de Naranja

fruit & nut chocolate martini against white backgroundfruit & nut chocolate martini against white background

Fruit & Nut Chocolate Martini

Fruit & Nut Chocolate Martini

Absolut Kurant, Nata, Leche, Licor de Frambuesa Negra, Licor de Crema, Licor de Avellana, Licor de Cacao Blanco, Chocolate

absolut pineapple rose mary  against white backgroundabsolut pineapple rose mary  against white background

Absolut Pineapple Rose Mary

Absolut Pineapple Rose Mary

Absolut Pears, Zumo de Piña, Azúcar Extrafino, Romero, Licor de Chocolate y Naranja

jaffa against white backgroundjaffa against white background



Brandy, Nata, Licor de Cacao Negro, Licor de Mandarina, Bíter de Naranja, Chocolate

plymouth chocolate gimlet against white backgroundplymouth chocolate gimlet against white background

Plymouth Chocolate Gimlet

Plymouth Chocolate Gimlet

Ginebra, Refresco de Lima, Licor de Chocolate Blanco, Chocolate

conference flip against white backgroundconference flip against white background

Conference Flip

Conference Flip

Coñac, Licor de Chocolate, Nata, Almíbar, Sirope de Vainilla, Café Instantáneo Granulado

love-love against white backgroundlove-love against white background



Coñac, Licor de Chocolate, Nata, Helado de Vainilla

absolut vanilia with cola in environmentabsolut vanilia with cola in environment

Absolut Vanilia with Cola

Absolut Vanilia with Cola

Absolut Vanilia, Cola, Lima

absolut wild cola against white backgroundabsolut wild cola against white background

Absolut Wild Cola

Absolut Wild Cola

Absolut Wild Tea, Cola, Lima

schwarzwaldkaffe against white backgroundschwarzwaldkaffe against white background



Café, Brandy de Cereza, Almíbar, Nata, Chocolate

black pepper against white backgroundblack pepper against white background

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Absolut Peppar, Cola, Limón

jack torres martini against white backgroundjack torres martini against white background

Jack Torres Martini

Jack Torres Martini

Absolut Raspberri, Licor de Chocolate, Frambuesa

arctic against white backgroundarctic against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de Chocolate Blanco, Licor de Mandarina, Bíter de Naranja, Cereza Al Maraschino, Hoja de Menta

traum von marasca against white backgroundtraum von marasca against white background

Traum Von Marasca

Traum Von Marasca

Leche, Licor de Maraschino, Salsa de Chocolate

riviera against white backgroundriviera against white background



Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Licor de Cacao Blanco, Brandy de Cereza, Chocolate

absolut grcic mono against white backgroundabsolut grcic mono against white background

Absolut Grcic Mono

Absolut Grcic Mono

Absolut Mandrin, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Salsa de Chocolate, Soda de Lima-limón, Kiwi

absolut mandrico against white backgroundabsolut mandrico against white background

Absolut Mandrico

Absolut Mandrico

Absolut Mandrin, Cola