Bebidas y cócteles amarillo

extrakt root in environmentextrakt root in environment

Extrakt Root

Extrakt Root

Absolut Extrakt, Jugo de jengibre, Jengíbre

peach lady against white backgroundpeach lady against white background

Peach Lady

Peach Lady

Coñac, Brandy de Melocotón, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Naranja

apple pie shot in environmentapple pie shot in environment

Apple Pie Shot

Apple Pie Shot

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Manzana, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Manzana, Canela

smashing fizz against white backgroundsmashing fizz against white background

Smashing Fizz

Smashing Fizz

Absolut Grapefruit, Sirope de menta, Limón, Soda, Hoja de Menta

virgin mojito against white backgroundvirgin mojito against white background

Virgin Mojito

Virgin Mojito

Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta, Soda

doris royal in environmentdoris royal in environment

Doris Royal

Doris Royal

Absolut Vodka, Pepino, Zumo de Limón, Sugar Syrup, Lillet Blanco, Suze, Champán, Hoja de Menta

churchill cocktail against white backgroundchurchill cocktail against white background

Churchill Cocktail

Churchill Cocktail

Whisky Escocés, Zumo de Lima, Triple Seco, Vermú (dulce)

muddy water against white backgroundmuddy water against white background

Muddy Water

Muddy Water

Absolut Vodka, Licor de Crema, Kahlúa

absolut honey bubble against white backgroundabsolut honey bubble against white background

Absolut Honey Bubble

Absolut Honey Bubble

Absolut Vodka, Miel, Zumo de Limón, Champán

caipiruva against white backgroundcaipiruva against white background



Cachaça, Almíbar, Lima, Uva

passion star martini in environmentpassion star martini in environment

Passion Star Martini

Passion Star Martini

Absolut Vanilia, Concentrado de maracuyá, Sirope de Vainilla, Piña, Fruta de la Pasión

passionfruit & blood orange martini in environmentpassionfruit & blood orange martini in environment

Passionfruit & Blood Orange Martini

Passionfruit & Blood Orange Martini

Absolut Passionfruit, Zumo de Naranja Sanguina, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Fruta de la Pasión

mimosa in environmentmimosa in environment



Champán, Zumo de Naranja

around the world against white backgroundaround the world against white background

Around The World

Around The World

Vermú Seco, Zumo de Piña, "crème de Menthe" (blanca), Cereza Al Maraschino, Piña

fancy nancy in environmentfancy nancy in environment

Fancy Nancy

Fancy Nancy

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Naranja, Triple Seco, Campari, Almíbar, Naranja

absolut kurious mule against white backgroundabsolut kurious mule against white background

Absolut Kurious Mule

Absolut Kurious Mule

Absolut Kurant, Absolut Citron, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Grosella Negra

p2 in environmentp2 in environment



Absolut Vanilia, Licor de Manzana, Zumo de Lima, Soda de Lima-limón, Lima

banana boat against white backgroundbanana boat against white background

Banana Boat

Banana Boat

Ron Blanco, Helado de Vainilla, Licor de Plátano, Licor de Cacao Blanco, Plátano

basil beauty against white backgroundbasil beauty against white background

Basil Beauty

Basil Beauty

Zumo de Piña, Zumo de Limón, Sirope de Coco, Zumo de Lima, Albahaca, Fruta de la Pasión

bon bon in environmentbon bon in environment

Bon Bon

Bon Bon

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Limón, Limoncello, Licor de Caramelo, Sirope de Vainilla

stilletto against white backgroundstilletto against white background



Amaretto, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Piña, Licor de Plátano, Naranja

extrakt sourextrakt sour

Extrakt Sour

Extrakt Sour

Absolut Extrakt, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Peladura de limón

ginger-lemonade highball against white backgroundginger-lemonade highball against white background

Ginger-lemonade Highball

Ginger-lemonade Highball

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Sirope de Jengibre, Granadina, Soda, Limón

absolut passion fruit in environmentabsolut passion fruit in environment

Absolut Passion Fruit

Absolut Passion Fruit

Absolut Citron, Limón, Fruta de la Pasión, Azúcar Moreno