Bebidas y cócteles transparente

Clear drinks and cocktails to match your mood or party theme. Clear drinks are great to serve on New Year's Eve and at cocktail parties. The common ingredients in clear drinks and cocktails are vodka, gin, and soda water. Common clear cocktails include a Martini and Vodka Martini and a Dirty Martini.

new orleans fizz against white backgroundnew orleans fizz against white background

New Orleans Fizz

New Orleans Fizz

Ginebra, Nata, Almíbar, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Lima, Agua de Azahar, Clara de Huevo, Soda

absolut chilled shot against white backgroundabsolut chilled shot against white background

Absolut Chilled Shot

Absolut Chilled Shot

Absolut Cilantro, Lima

bee’s kiss against white backgroundbee’s kiss against white background

Bee’s Kiss

Bee’s Kiss

Ron de Naranja, Nata, Miel Líquida

gin julep against white backgroundgin julep against white background

Gin Julep

Gin Julep

Ginebra, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta

azure martini against white backgroundazure martini against white background

Azure Martini

Azure Martini

Cachaça, Almíbar, Zumo de Lima, Zumo de Limón, Licor de Canela, Manzana

absolut grapevine collins against white backgroundabsolut grapevine collins against white background

Absolut Grapevine Collins

Absolut Grapevine Collins

Absolut Apeach, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón

absolut wild tea gimlet against white backgroundabsolut wild tea gimlet against white background

Absolut Wild Tea Gimlet

Absolut Wild Tea Gimlet

Absolut Wild Tea, Almíbar, Zumo de Lima

absolut vanilia citrus kick against white backgroundabsolut vanilia citrus kick against white background

Absolut Vanilia Citrus Kick

Absolut Vanilia Citrus Kick

Absolut Vanilia, Triple Seco, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limoncillo

silver against white backgroundsilver against white background



Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Licor de Maraschino, Bíter de Naranja

little devil against white backgroundlittle devil against white background

Little Devil

Little Devil

Ron Blanco, Ginebra, Tequila Blanco, Zumo de Limón

ruby passion martini against white backgroundruby passion martini against white background

Ruby Passion Martini

Ruby Passion Martini

Absolut Ruby Red, Fruta de la Pasión

yellow jacket against white backgroundyellow jacket against white background

Yellow Jacket

Yellow Jacket

Tequila reposado, Licor de Saúco, Chartreuse Amarillo, Bíter de Naranja

absolut vanilia volcano against white backgroundabsolut vanilia volcano against white background

Absolut Vanilia Volcano

Absolut Vanilia Volcano

Absolut Vanilia, Sirope de Fresa, Licor de Avellana

ethel duffy against white backgroundethel duffy against white background

Ethel Duffy

Ethel Duffy

Brandy de Albaricoque, "crème de Menthe" (blanca), Triple Seco

absolut peach fizzy in environmentabsolut peach fizzy in environment

Absolut Peach Fizzy

Absolut Peach Fizzy

Absolut Apeach, Soda, Melocotón

absolut citron mule in environmentabsolut citron mule in environment

Absolut Citron Mule

Absolut Citron Mule

Absolut Citron, Ginger Beer, Zumo de Lima, Lima, Hoja de Menta

shrove against white backgroundshrove against white background



Vermú Seco, Pastis

absolut quick black screw against white backgroundabsolut quick black screw against white background

Absolut Quick Black Screw

Absolut Quick Black Screw

Absolut 100, Naranja

swedish spritz in environmentswedish spritz in environment

Swedish Spritz

Swedish Spritz

Absolut Citron, Fino, Amargos de pepino, Tónica de saúco, Pepino, Eneldo, Fresa

margherita española against white backgroundmargherita española against white background

Margherita Española

Margherita Española

Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Triple Seco

gradeal special against white backgroundgradeal special against white background

Gradeal Special

Gradeal Special

Ron Blanco, Brandy de Albaricoque, Ginebra

spooky colada in environmentspooky colada in environment

Spooky Colada

Spooky Colada

Malibú, Absolut Lime, Zumo de Piña, Crema de Coco, Zumo de Lima, Angostura Bitters

absolut raspberri highball in environmentabsolut raspberri highball in environment

Absolut Raspberri Highball

Absolut Raspberri Highball

Absolut Raspberri, Soda, Romero

knock-out 2 against white backgroundknock-out 2 against white background

Knock-out 2

Knock-out 2

Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Pastis