Bebidas y cócteles marrón

metropolitan in environmentmetropolitan in environment



Absolut Kurant, Triple Seco, Zumo de Lima, Zumo de Arándano, Lima

calypso coffee against white backgroundcalypso coffee against white background

Calypso Coffee

Calypso Coffee

Ron Añejo Cubano, Café, Kahlúa, Nata, Almíbar, Grano de Café

pink grapefruit fizz against white backgroundpink grapefruit fizz against white background

Pink Grapefruit Fizz

Pink Grapefruit Fizz

Zumo de Pomelo Rosa, Soda, Pomelo

absolut mandrin with ginger ale against white backgroundabsolut mandrin with ginger ale against white background

Absolut Mandrin with Ginger Ale

Absolut Mandrin with Ginger Ale

Absolut Mandrin, Ginger-ale, Naranja

fidel castro against white backgroundfidel castro against white background

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

Ron Añejo Cubano, Ginger-ale, Zumo de Lima, Lima

rum collins against white backgroundrum collins against white background

Rum Collins

Rum Collins

Ron Añejo Cubano, Soda, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limón

red velvet against white backgroundred velvet against white background

Red Velvet

Red Velvet

Champán, Dubonnet, Naranja

calypso coffee de lux against white backgroundcalypso coffee de lux against white background

Calypso Coffee de Lux

Calypso Coffee de Lux

Ron Añejo Cubano, Café, Nata, Licor de Cacao Negro

tequila fresa against white backgroundtequila fresa against white background

Tequila Fresa

Tequila Fresa

Tequila Blanco, Zumo de Lima, Licor de Fresa, Bíter de Naranja, Fresa

brandy cassis against white backgroundbrandy cassis against white background

Brandy Cassis

Brandy Cassis

Coñac, Licor de Grosella Negra, Zumo de Limón, Limón

absolut pears and mango collins against white backgroundabsolut pears and mango collins against white background

Absolut Pears And Mango Collins

Absolut Pears And Mango Collins

Absolut Pears, Concentrado de Mango, Almíbar, Zumo de Limón, Soda, Limón

almond old fashioned against white backgroundalmond old fashioned against white background

Almond Old Fashioned

Almond Old Fashioned

Whisky Escocés, Almíbar, Bíter de Naranja, Amaretto, Peladura de naranja

harbour light against white backgroundharbour light against white background

Harbour Light

Harbour Light

Tequila Blanco, Coñac, Ron de Alto Contenido Alcohólico, Kahlúa

absolut space mango against white backgroundabsolut space mango against white background

Absolut Space Mango

Absolut Space Mango

Absolut Mango, Zumo de Limón, Mango, Pimienta rosa, Azúcar Extrafino

drippin’ blushin’ russian’drippin’ blushin’ russian’

Drippin’ Blushin’ Russian’

Drippin’ Blushin’ Russian’

Absolut Vodka, Ginger Beer, Arándano, Fresa

california against white backgroundcalifornia against white background



Whisky Canadiense, Vermú Seco, Whisky/licor de Miel , Campari

bourbon sour in environmentbourbon sour in environment

Bourbon Sour

Bourbon Sour

Bourbon, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Bíter, Clara de Huevo, Limón, Cereza Al Maraschino

absolut citron libre against white backgroundabsolut citron libre against white background

Absolut Citron Libre

Absolut Citron Libre

Absolut Citron, Cola, Lima

malibu tropical storm against white backgroundmalibu tropical storm against white background

Malibu Tropical Storm

Malibu Tropical Storm

Malibú, Zumo Prensado de Manzana Fresca, Licor de Fresa

brandy collins against white backgroundbrandy collins against white background

Brandy Collins

Brandy Collins

Coñac, Soda, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limón

passionfruit & peach iced tea in environmentpassionfruit & peach iced tea in environment

Passionfruit & Peach Iced Tea

Passionfruit & Peach Iced Tea

Absolut Passionfruit, Té Frío de Melocotón, Limón, Hoja de Menta

cherrys cola against white backgroundcherrys cola against white background

Cherrys Cola

Cherrys Cola

Absolut Cherrys, Cola, Cereza, Naranja

scotch mist against white backgroundscotch mist against white background

Scotch Mist

Scotch Mist

Whisky Escocés, Peladura de limón

deauville against white backgrounddeauville against white background



Coñac, Calvados, Zumo de Limón, Triple Seco