raspberry summer punch against white background

Raspberry Summer Punch

绝对伏特加原味, 黑加仑力娇酒, 覆盆子果泥, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 香槟, 黑莓

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How to mix a Raspberry Summer Punch

在长水杯中装满碎冰。 添加绝对伏特加原味、黑加仑力娇酒、覆盆子果泥、柠檬汁 、简易糖浆。 搅动。 用香槟加满。 用黑莓装饰。

如何搭配Raspberry Summer Punch

Drinks on a picnic? Good idea, but keeping them cold can be hard. Here is a tip to make them as neat as home: Bring all ingredients separately, and don't mix until just before the drinks are served. Going somewhere where you can buy ice? Buy it there! If not, the key is to bring plenty, keep it as cold as possible, and strain the water off before mixing.


绝对伏特加原味 黑加仑力娇酒 覆盆子果泥 柠檬汁 简易糖浆 香槟 黑莓