
哦天哪,秋天来了!闲适品尝我们最爱的秋季 Absolut 鸡尾酒,其中主打地球人最喜欢的全新 Absolut Juice Apple。

无论您是在摘苹果后与朋友一起享用我们的 Apple Orchard Fizz,还是喝一杯 Apple Hot Toddy 暖身,我们为您提供当季不得不试的鸡尾酒。

apple bob against white backgroundapple bob against white background

Apple Bob

Apple Bob

Absolut Juice Apple, 柠檬汁, 简易糖浆, 苏打水

apple ginger rickey against white backgroundapple ginger rickey against white background

Apple Ginger Rickey

Apple Ginger Rickey

Absolut Juice Apple, 姜汁汽水, 橙汁, 青柠

pear and elderflower orchard fizz against white backgroundpear and elderflower orchard fizz against white background

Pear and Elderflower Orchard Fizz

Pear and Elderflower Orchard Fizz

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower, 柠檬青柠苏打水, 橙汁, 柠檬

apple hot toddy  in environmentapple hot toddy  in environment

Apple Hot Toddy

Apple Hot Toddy

Absolut Juice Apple, 开水, 柠檬汁, 蜂蜜, 肉桂

apple orchard fizz against white backgroundapple orchard fizz against white background

Apple Orchard Fizz

Apple Orchard Fizz

Absolut Juice Apple, 柠檬青柠苏打水, 橙汁, 柠檬

pear and elderflower mule  in environmentpear and elderflower mule  in environment

Pear and Elderflower Mule

Pear and Elderflower Mule

Absolut Juice Pear and Elderflower, 姜汁汽水, 柠檬水, 苦味酒, 青柠

dandy shandy against white backgrounddandy shandy against white background

Dandy Shandy

Dandy Shandy

Absolut Juice Apple, 苹果酒, 姜汁啤酒, 柠檬汁, 雪梨, 柠檬