Bebidas e coquetéis com Absolut Vanilia

Feito de baunilha natural, o Absolut Vanilia foi introduzido em 2003. Para refletir todo o potencial do sabor da baunilha, todas as partes da vagem são usadas. O Absolut Vanilia tem um sabor profundo e complexo de baunilha com notas de doce de manteiga e açúcar mascavo e toques de chocolate preto.

absolut long espresso in environmentabsolut long espresso in environment

Absolut Long Espresso

Absolut Long Espresso

Absolut Vanilia, Café gelado, Licor Kahlúa

absolut jabuticaba against white backgroundabsolut jabuticaba against white background

Absolut Jabuticaba

Absolut Jabuticaba

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Jabuticaba, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado

absolut vanilia vain in environmentabsolut vanilia vain in environment

Absolut Vanilia Vain

Absolut Vanilia Vain

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de maçã, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Maçã

absolut pink vanilia against white backgroundabsolut pink vanilia against white background

Absolut Pink Vanilia

Absolut Pink Vanilia

Absolut Vanilia, Licor de framboesa, Suco de lima-da-pérsia

rogue lemongrass in environmentrogue lemongrass in environment

Rogue Lemongrass

Rogue Lemongrass

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de grapefruit, Xarope simples, Licor amargo de laranja, Citronela

absolut rhubarb and custardabsolut rhubarb and custard

Absolut Rhubarb and Custard

Absolut Rhubarb and Custard

Absolut Vanilia, Licor de ruibarbo, Xarope simples, Limão

vanilia sensation against white backgroundvanilia sensation against white background

Vanilia Sensation

Vanilia Sensation

Absolut Vanilia, Vermute seco, Xarope de maçã verde, Maçã, Baunilha

absolut vanilia iced tea against white backgroundabsolut vanilia iced tea against white background

Absolut Vanilia Iced Tea

Absolut Vanilia Iced Tea

Absolut Vanilia, Chá Gelado de Maçã, Bebida tipo Bitter, Maçã

irish espresso-tini against white backgroundirish espresso-tini against white background

Irish Espresso-tini

Irish Espresso-tini

Absolut Vanilia, Licor de creme, Café Expresso (frio)

vanilia summer against white backgroundvanilia summer against white background

Vanilia Summer

Vanilia Summer

Absolut Vanilia, Água tônica, Framboesa

absolut miami vice against white backgroundabsolut miami vice against white background

Absolut Miami Vice

Absolut Miami Vice

Absolut Vanilia, Absolut Kurant, Licor de coco, Xarope de morango

sinners zip against white backgroundsinners zip against white background

Sinners Zip

Sinners Zip

Absolut Vanilia, Calvados, Xarope de canela, Maçã, Baunilha

soho martini in environmentsoho martini in environment

Soho Martini

Soho Martini

Absolut Vodka, Absolut Vanilia, Curaçao de laranja, Licor amargo de laranja, Laranja

absolut vanilia pop in environmentabsolut vanilia pop in environment

Absolut Vanilia Pop

Absolut Vanilia Pop

Absolut Vanilia, Cola, Limão

absolut vanilia flower against white backgroundabsolut vanilia flower against white background

Absolut Vanilia Flower

Absolut Vanilia Flower

Absolut Vanilia, Xarope de morango, Suco de manga, Água com gás, Folha de hortelã, Morango

absolut vanilia colibri against white backgroundabsolut vanilia colibri against white background

Absolut Vanilia Colibri

Absolut Vanilia Colibri

Absolut Vanilia, Xarope de coco, Creme de leite

key lime martini in environmentkey lime martini in environment

Key Lime Martini

Key Lime Martini

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de Limão, Xarope simples, Limão

aphrodisiac against white backgroundaphrodisiac against white background



Absolut Vanilia, Suco de maçã, recém preparado, Vinho branco, licor Chartreuse verde

absolut black vanilia against white backgroundabsolut black vanilia against white background

Absolut Black Vanilia

Absolut Black Vanilia

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de maçã, Xarope simples, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Amora silvestre

big bertha against white backgroundbig bertha against white background

Big Bertha

Big Bertha

Absolut Vanilia, Curaçao Blue, Licor de framboesa

grasshopper noël in environmentgrasshopper noël in environment

Grasshopper Noël

Grasshopper Noël

Absolut Vanilia, Mint Amaro, Creme de leite, Chocolate

absolut delight against white backgroundabsolut delight against white background

Absolut Delight

Absolut Delight

Absolut Vanilia, Licor de chocolate branco

absolut hot vanilia apple against white backgroundabsolut hot vanilia apple against white background

Absolut Hot Vanilia Apple

Absolut Hot Vanilia Apple

Absolut Vanilia, Suco de maçã (quente), Mel líquido, Maçã, Bastão de canela

absolut macchiato martiniabsolut macchiato martini

Absolut Macchiato Martini

Absolut Macchiato Martini

Absolut Vanilia, Grão de café, Xarope simples