4th of July Cocktails

It’s the “4th Of July” time of year again, so get out your sparklers, light up you bbq and fetch your shakers, cause you can bet your butt that we’re making some drinks! For an extra chilly celebration, get out your blender and some crushed ice to make Frozen Vodkaritas! Hot tip: If you don’t want to spend your day shaking, stirring, and mixing your drinks from scratch, you can pre-mix them the night before! Just add all ingredients to a bottle, give it a quick shake, and store it in the fridge! When you’re ready to serve, just pour into a glass, add your ice and your bubbly ingredients, then garnish and serve!

blue hawaiian in environmentblue hawaiian in environment

Blue Hawaiian

Blue Hawaiian

Absolut Vodka, Curaçao Blue, Xarope de coco, Suco de abacaxi, Cereja

negroni in environmentnegroni in environment



Gim, Campari, Vermute, doce, Laranja

hurricane in environmenthurricane in environment



Rum claro, Navy Rum, Suco de laranja, Suco de abacaxi, Suco de Limão, Xarope de maracujá, Cordial de Limão, Cereja, Abacaxi

mojito in environmentmojito in environment



Rum claro, Suco de Limão, Folha de hortelã, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Água com gás

aligatorade in environmentaligatorade in environment



Absolut Citron, água de coco, Suco de Limão, Bebida tipo Bitter, Abacaxi

firework in environmentfirework in environment



Absolut Vodka, Limonada, Chá gelado, Limão

paloma in environmentpaloma in environment



Tequila , Refrigerante de toranja, Limão

absolut lime vodkarita in environmentabsolut lime vodkarita in environment

Absolut Lime Vodkarita

Absolut Lime Vodkarita

Absolut Lime, Suco de Limão, Néctar de agave, Sal

vodka collins in environmentvodka collins in environment

Vodka Collins

Vodka Collins

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Água com gás, Cereja, Laranja

americano in environmentamericano in environment



Campari, Vermute, doce, Água com gás, Laranja