Flaming Cocktails

Give your cocktail party a flaming twist! No matter how many exotic ingredients or colorful liqueurs you put into a cocktail. Nothing tops the impression factor like setting it on fire! It’s just unbeatable. We’ve compiled a list of the most flammable cocktails to give your party an unforgettable spark. With drinks such as Flaming Flamingo and the Flaming Blue Bahoona Shooter, you can be sure your guests will be impressed. Just remember to blow out the flames before you take a sip.

flaming sambuca in environmentflaming sambuca in environment

Flaming Sambuca

Flaming Sambuca


blue blazer against white backgroundblue blazer against white background

Blue Blazer

Blue Blazer

Uísque escocês, Água fervendo, Açúcar mascavo, Limão

flaming blue bahoona shooter against white backgroundflaming blue bahoona shooter against white background

Flaming Blue Bahoona Shooter

Flaming Blue Bahoona Shooter

Overproof rum, Curaçao Blue, Creme de Menta Branco, Schnapps de hortelã

flaming heart against white backgroundflaming heart against white background

Flaming Heart

Flaming Heart

Conhaque, Café, Xarope simples

french flamingo against white backgroundfrench flamingo against white background

French Flamingo

French Flamingo

Absolut Kurant, Triple Sec, Suco de Limão, Suco de romã, Limão

flaming star against white backgroundflaming star against white background

Flaming Star

Flaming Star

Bourbon, Overproof rum, Creme de Menta Branco