Bebidas y cócteles con Zumo de Naranja

El zumo de naranja es uno de los diez elementos más importantes de un bar. Es preferible el zumo exprimido fresco.

astor against white backgroundastor against white background



Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Punsch Sueco, Zumo de Naranja, Limón

elephant walk against white backgroundelephant walk against white background

Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk

Ginebra, Tequila Blanco, Zumo de Naranja, Bíter, Granadina, Pepino, Limón, Naranja

mat the rat against white backgroundmat the rat against white background

Mat The Rat

Mat The Rat

Ron Especiado, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Lima, Triple Seco, Soda de Lima-limón

mandrintini against white backgroundmandrintini against white background



Absolut Mandrin, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Arándano, Naranja

caribbean sun against white backgroundcaribbean sun against white background

Caribbean Sun

Caribbean Sun

Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Limón, Mango, Plátano

happy griffon punchhappy griffon punch

Happy Griffon Punch

Happy Griffon Punch

Zumo de Manzana, Zumo de Mango, Almíbar, Zumo de Lima, Zumo de Naranja, Fruta de la Pasión, Lima

birdie against white backgroundbirdie against white background



Ron de Naranja, Zumo de Piña, Triple Seco, Granadina, Zumo de Naranja

st clements against white backgroundst clements against white background

St Clements

St Clements

Zumo de Naranja, Soda de Lima-limón, Limón, Naranja

la douce against white backgroundla douce against white background

la Douce

la Douce

Brandy de Albaricoque, Whisky Escocés, St. Raphael, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Naranja

painkiller against white backgroundpainkiller against white background



Ron Naval, Zumo de Piña, Crema de Coco, Zumo de Naranja, Cereza Al Maraschino, Piña

gleneagles cooler against white backgroundgleneagles cooler against white background

Gleneagles Cooler

Gleneagles Cooler

Whisky Escocés, Zumo de Naranja, Ginger-ale

apple orchard fizz against white backgroundapple orchard fizz against white background

Apple Orchard Fizz

Apple Orchard Fizz

Absolut Juice Apple, Soda de Lima-limón, Zumo de Naranja, Limón

top of the view against white backgroundtop of the view against white background

Top of The View

Top of The View

Malibú, Ron Oscuro Jamaicano, Zumo de Guayaba, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Piña, Zumo de Limón, Granadina, Naranja

delicia against white backgrounddelicia against white background



Ginebra, Zumo de Naranja, Licor de Melocotón

absolut may be hot against white backgroundabsolut may be hot against white background

Absolut May Be Hot

Absolut May Be Hot

Absolut Peppar, Zumo de Tomate, Zumo de Naranja, Vinagre Balsámico

absolut cooler in environmentabsolut cooler in environment

Absolut Cooler

Absolut Cooler

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Naranja, Triple Seco, Soda de Lima-limón, Naranja, Hoja de Menta

virgin’s answer against white backgroundvirgin’s answer against white background

Virgin’s Answer

Virgin’s Answer

Ron Blanco, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Naranja, Licor de Cacao Negro, Kahlúa, Plátano

isle of the blessed coconut against white backgroundisle of the blessed coconut against white background

Isle of The Blessed Coconut

Isle of The Blessed Coconut

Ron Blanco, Licor de Cacao, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Naranja

andromeda against white backgroundandromeda against white background



Zumo de Naranja, Amaretto, Triple Seco, Granadina, Plátano, Naranja

nightmare against white backgroundnightmare against white background



Ginebra, Dubonnet, Brandy de Cereza, Zumo de Naranja

wheeler against white backgroundwheeler against white background



Bourbon, Vermú Seco, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Frambuesa

skylab in environmentskylab in environment



Brandy de Albaricoque, Absolut Vodka, Ron Blanco, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Piña, Curaçao Azul, Cereza Al Maraschino, Naranja

mambo against white backgroundmambo against white background



Brandy de Albaricoque, Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Naranja, Curaçao de Naranja, Campari

french 95 against white backgroundfrench 95 against white background

French 95

French 95

Bourbon, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Champán