Bebidas y cócteles con Hoja de Menta

El uso de la menta en las bebidas se remonta a la antigüedad, pero se ha hecho más popular gracias a Sudamérica. Hoy en día, los buenos bares no pueden vivir sin menta fresca. Puedes utilizar las hojas o las ramitas de la menta.

belmont breeze against white backgroundbelmont breeze against white background

Belmont Breeze

Belmont Breeze

Whisky de Centeno, Zumo de Naranja, Jerez, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón, Hoja de Menta, Fresa

recall against white backgroundrecall against white background



Absolut Vodka, Brandy de Albaricoque, Zumo de Naranja, Granadina, Sirope de Fruta de la Pasión, Manzana, Kiwi, Cereza Al Maraschino, Hoja de Menta

cooperstown against white backgroundcooperstown against white background



Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Vermú (dulce), Hoja de Menta

absolut ruby menta against white backgroundabsolut ruby menta against white background

Absolut Ruby Menta

Absolut Ruby Menta

Absolut Ruby Red, Miel Líquida, Zumo de Limón, Hoja de Menta

tuxedo julep against white backgroundtuxedo julep against white background

Tuxedo Julep

Tuxedo Julep

Bourbon, Ron Blanco, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta, Cereza Al Maraschino, Piña

red hope against white backgroundred hope against white background

Red Hope

Red Hope

Ginebra, Brandy de Albaricoque, Limonada, Sirope de Fresa, Lima, Hoja de Menta, Fresa

absolut vanilia julep against white backgroundabsolut vanilia julep against white background

Absolut Vanilia Julep

Absolut Vanilia Julep

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta

absolut mint against white backgroundabsolut mint against white background

Absolut Mint

Absolut Mint

Absolut Vodka, Hoja de Menta, Azúcar Extrafino, Limón

rubito against white backgroundrubito against white background



Absolut Ruby Red, Soda, Limón, Hoja de Menta

beautiful thing, the against white backgroundbeautiful thing, the against white background

Beautiful Thing, The

Beautiful Thing, The

Absolut Vodka, Refresco de Saúco, Almíbar, Limoncillo, Hoja de Menta

surreal against white backgroundsurreal against white background



Ron Añejo Cubano, Zumo de Lima, Licor de Melocotón, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta

absolut pomegranate julep against white backgroundabsolut pomegranate julep against white background

Absolut Pomegranate Julep

Absolut Pomegranate Julep

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Granada, Zumo de Pomelo, Miel, Hoja de Menta

free dreaming against white backgroundfree dreaming against white background

Free Dreaming

Free Dreaming

Kombucha, Absolut Passionfruit, Sugar Syrup, Limón, Hoja de Menta

virgin cup no.1 against white backgroundvirgin cup no.1 against white background

Virgin Cup No.1

Virgin Cup No.1

Ginger-ale, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Lima, Albahaca, Pepino, Hoja de Menta

arctic against white backgroundarctic against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de Chocolate Blanco, Licor de Mandarina, Bíter de Naranja, Cereza Al Maraschino, Hoja de Menta

absolut grcic north side cocktail against white backgroundabsolut grcic north side cocktail against white background

Absolut Grcic North Side Cocktail

Absolut Grcic North Side Cocktail

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta

pool fool against white backgroundpool fool against white background

Pool Fool

Pool Fool

Ginebra, Campari, Clara de Huevo, Zumo de Pomelo, Triple Seco, Zumo de Naranja, Granadina, Zanahoria, Cereza Al Maraschino, Hoja de Menta

absolut strawberry mojito against white backgroundabsolut strawberry mojito against white background

Absolut Strawberry Mojito

Absolut Strawberry Mojito

Absolut Vodka, Almíbar, Zumo de Lima, Hoja de Menta, Fresa, Soda

chinatown against white backgroundchinatown against white background



Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta

mr manhattan against white backgroundmr manhattan against white background

Mr Manhattan

Mr Manhattan

Ginebra, Zumo de Naranja, Almíbar, Zumo de Limón, Hoja de Menta

sunny dream against white backgroundsunny dream against white background

Sunny Dream

Sunny Dream

Brandy de Albaricoque, Zumo de Naranja, Helado de Vainilla, Triple Seco, Cereza Al Maraschino, Hoja de Menta

absolut raspberry reflectionabsolut raspberry reflection

Absolut Raspberry Reflection

Absolut Raspberry Reflection

Absolut Vodka, Tónica, Frambuesa, Hoja de Menta

absolutismo against white backgroundabsolutismo against white background



Absolut Kurant, Zumo de Limón, Fresa, Hoja de Menta, Jengíbre

north side double stitch against white backgroundnorth side double stitch against white background

North Side Double Stitch

North Side Double Stitch

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta