Bebidas y cócteles con Ron Blanco

El ron blanco suele ser un buen licor para combinados, ya que su sabor es tan ligero que combina bien con casi todas las bebidas.

pauline against white backgroundpauline against white background



Ron Blanco, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Pastis

mallorca against white backgroundmallorca against white background



Ron Blanco, Vermú Seco, Licor de Plátano, Whisky/licor de Miel , Peladura de limón

green flash against white backgroundgreen flash against white background

Green Flash

Green Flash

Ron Blanco, Chartreuse Verde, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Soda

kentucky iced tea against white backgroundkentucky iced tea against white background

Kentucky Iced Tea

Kentucky Iced Tea

Bourbon, Absolut Vodka, Ron Blanco, Zumo de Limón

lift the elbow against white backgroundlift the elbow against white background

Lift The Elbow

Lift The Elbow

Ron Blanco, Whisky Escocés, Granadina, Jerez, Peladura de limón, Cereza Al Maraschino

jealous june against white backgroundjealous june against white background

Jealous June

Jealous June

Ron Blanco, Zumo de Piña, Licor de Melón, Triple Seco, Piña

kicker against white backgroundkicker against white background



Ron Blanco, Calvados, Vermú (dulce)

nightwatch cocktail against white backgroundnightwatch cocktail against white background

Nightwatch Cocktail

Nightwatch Cocktail

Ron Blanco, Licor de Cereza, Triple Seco, Zumo de Limón, Cereza Al Maraschino

morning rose against white backgroundmorning rose against white background

Morning Rose

Morning Rose

Ron Blanco, Zumo de Limón, Granadina, Curaçao de Naranja

bushranger against white backgroundbushranger against white background



Ron Blanco, Dubonnet, Bíter

grape effect against white backgroundgrape effect against white background

Grape Effect

Grape Effect

Ron Blanco, Refresco de Saúco, Uva

bolshoi punsch against white backgroundbolshoi punsch against white background

Bolshoi Punsch

Bolshoi Punsch

Absolut Vodka, Ron Blanco, Licor de Grosella Negra, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar

periodista against white backgroundperiodista against white background



Ron Blanco, Brandy de Albaricoque, Triple Seco, Zumo de Lima

stone against white backgroundstone against white background



Ron Blanco, Jerez, Vermú (dulce)

hot rhum punch against white backgroundhot rhum punch against white background

Hot Rhum Punch

Hot Rhum Punch

Coñac, Ron Blanco, Agua Hirviendo, Zumo de Lima, Almíbar, Jerez

page court against white backgroundpage court against white background

Page Court

Page Court

Whisky Canadiense, Ron Blanco, Ginebra, Zumo de Naranja, Bíter de Melocotón

mar de san remo against white backgroundmar de san remo against white background

Mar de San Remo

Mar de San Remo

Absolut Vodka, Ron Blanco, Curaçao Azul

buttergrog against white backgroundbuttergrog against white background



Ron Blanco, Almíbar, Mantequilla, Zumo de Manzana (caliente), Limón

art director against white backgroundart director against white background

Art Director

Art Director

Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Ron Blanco, Triple Seco, Aceituna Verde, Cereza Al Maraschino

talisman against white backgroundtalisman against white background



Ron Añejo Cubano, Ron Blanco, Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Lima, Triple Seco, Pera

puerto apple against white backgroundpuerto apple against white background

Puerto Apple

Puerto Apple

Ron Blanco, Applejack, Zumo de Lima, Sirope de Horchata de Almendras, Lima

excise duty against white backgroundexcise duty against white background

Excise Duty

Excise Duty

Ron Oscuro Jamaicano, Ron Blanco, Zumo de Naranja, Licor de Melocotón, Granadina

peter tower against white backgroundpeter tower against white background

Peter Tower

Peter Tower

Coñac, Ron Blanco, Granadina, Zumo de Limón, Curaçao de Naranja

trader vic’s pick-me-up against white backgroundtrader vic’s pick-me-up against white background

Trader Vic’s Pick-me-up

Trader Vic’s Pick-me-up

Ron Blanco, Leche, Plátano