Bebidas y cócteles con Coñac

Un brandy que proviene de las inmediaciones de Cognac, al oeste de Francia. Hay varias subregiones, y tres "denominaciones": XO (muy añejo, un mínimo de seis años de añejamiento en barril), Napoléon (con un mínimo de seis años de envejecimiento en barril) y VS (muy especial, un mínimo de tres años de envejecimiento en barril). El coñac se suele beber solo en una copa de brandy, pero también es un buen recurso para combinados.

the kiwi against white backgroundthe kiwi against white background

The Kiwi

The Kiwi

Coñac, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Kiwi

big appleberry against white backgroundbig appleberry against white background

Big Appleberry

Big Appleberry

Coñac, Zumo de Manzana, Almíbar, Mora, Uva, Grosella

egg sour against white backgroundegg sour against white background

Egg Sour

Egg Sour

Coñac, Curaçao de Naranja, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Huevo

flaming heart against white backgroundflaming heart against white background

Flaming Heart

Flaming Heart

Coñac, Café, Almíbar

moonlight against white backgroundmoonlight against white background



Coñac, Café, Nata, Licor de Mandarina, Almíbar, Naranja

davis brandy against white backgrounddavis brandy against white background

Davis Brandy

Davis Brandy

Coñac, Vermú Seco, Granadina, Bíter

flamingo-cooler against white backgroundflamingo-cooler against white background



Coñac, Licor de Mora, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Naranja, Almíbar, Ginger-ale, Naranja

napoleon noir against white backgroundnapoleon noir against white background

Napoleon Noir

Napoleon Noir

Coñac, Kahlúa

brandy flip against white backgroundbrandy flip against white background

Brandy Flip

Brandy Flip

Coñac, Nata, Almíbar, Huevo, Nuez Moscada

brandy cuban against white backgroundbrandy cuban against white background

Brandy Cuban

Brandy Cuban

Coñac, Brandy de Albaricoque, Zumo de Limón

st germain against white backgroundst germain against white background

St Germain

St Germain

Coñac, Nata, Leche, Amaretto, Yema de Huevo, Almíbar

torpedo 2 against white backgroundtorpedo 2 against white background

Torpedo 2

Torpedo 2

Coñac, Ginebra, Applejack

cognac coulis against white backgroundcognac coulis against white background

Cognac Coulis

Cognac Coulis

Coñac, Brandy de Naranja, Kiwi, Fresa

tip top against white backgroundtip top against white background

Tip Top

Tip Top

Coñac, Tequila Blanco, Zumo de Limón, Vermú (dulce), Champán, Cereza Al Maraschino

curaçao against white backgroundcuraçao against white background



Ginebra, Coñac, Zumo de Naranja, Curaçao de Naranja, Bíter de Naranja

cortina 1500 against white backgroundcortina 1500 against white background

Cortina 1500

Cortina 1500

Coñac, Vermú Seco, Whisky/licor de Miel , Bíter

cocteau cocktail against white backgroundcocteau cocktail against white background

Cocteau Cocktail

Cocteau Cocktail

Coñac, Brandy de Cereza, Zumo de Naranja

tigne rose, the against white backgroundtigne rose, the against white background

Tigne Rose, The

Tigne Rose, The

Absolut Vodka, Coñac, Ron Blanco, Ginebra, Whisky Escocés

you only live twice against white backgroundyou only live twice against white background

You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice

Coñac, Ron Oscuro Jamaicano, Zumo de Limón, Granadina

natural against white backgroundnatural against white background



Ron Blanco, Coñac, Zumo de Limón, Sirope de Horchata de Almendras

quadruplex against white backgroundquadruplex against white background



Coñac, Ginebra, Whisky Escocés, Vermú (dulce), Bíter de Naranja, Naranja

flaming flamingo against white backgroundflaming flamingo against white background

Flaming Flamingo

Flaming Flamingo

Coñac, Licor de Menta Verde, Triple Seco

french squirrel against white backgroundfrench squirrel against white background

French Squirrel

French Squirrel

Coñac, Licor de Almendra, Zumo de Limón, Limón

feodora cobbler against white backgroundfeodora cobbler against white background

Feodora Cobbler

Feodora Cobbler

Ron Blanco, Coñac, Curaçao de Naranja, Soda, Plátano, Naranja