Bebidas y cócteles con Coñac

Un brandy que proviene de las inmediaciones de Cognac, al oeste de Francia. Hay varias subregiones, y tres "denominaciones": XO (muy añejo, un mínimo de seis años de añejamiento en barril), Napoléon (con un mínimo de seis años de envejecimiento en barril) y VS (muy especial, un mínimo de tres años de envejecimiento en barril). El coñac se suele beber solo en una copa de brandy, pero también es un buen recurso para combinados.

bel ami 2 against white backgroundbel ami 2 against white background

Bel Ami 2

Bel Ami 2

Brandy de Albaricoque, Coñac, Nata

let’s slide against white backgroundlet’s slide against white background

Let’s Slide

Let’s Slide

Coñac, Brandy de Mora, Oporto Tinto

brandy smash against white backgroundbrandy smash against white background

Brandy Smash

Brandy Smash

Coñac, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Cereza Al Maraschino, Hoja de Menta, Naranja, Fresa

depth bomb against white backgrounddepth bomb against white background

Depth Bomb

Depth Bomb

Coñac, Calvados, Granadina, Zumo de Limón

baltimore bracer against white backgroundbaltimore bracer against white background

Baltimore Bracer

Baltimore Bracer

Coñac, Anís, Clara de Huevo

brandy daisy against white backgroundbrandy daisy against white background

Brandy Daisy

Brandy Daisy

Coñac, Zumo de Limón, Granadina, Chartreuse Amarillo

seesaw against white backgroundseesaw against white background



Coñac, Vermú Seco, Pimm's Nº 1 Cup, Bíter

night cap against white backgroundnight cap against white background

Night Cap

Night Cap

Coñac, Almíbar, Cerveza

waterbury against white backgroundwaterbury against white background



Coñac, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Granadina, Clara de Huevo

leo’s special against white backgroundleo’s special against white background

Leo’s Special

Leo’s Special

Coñac, Triple Seco, Zumo de Pomelo, Zumo de Naranja, Champán, Cereza Al Maraschino

quelle vie against white backgroundquelle vie against white background

Quelle Vie

Quelle Vie

Coñac, Kümmel

golden gleam against white backgroundgolden gleam against white background

Golden Gleam

Golden Gleam

Coñac, Triple Seco, Zumo de Limón

coffee no. 2 against white backgroundcoffee no. 2 against white background

Coffee No. 2

Coffee No. 2

Coñac, Oporto Tinto, Curaçao de Naranja, Almíbar, Yema de Huevo

nick’s own against white backgroundnick’s own against white background

Nick’s Own

Nick’s Own

Coñac, Vermú (dulce), Bíter, Pastis, Peladura de limón, Cereza Al Maraschino

clevenier against white backgroundclevenier against white background



Coñac, Vermú Seco, Cordial Médoc, Curaçao de Naranja, Naranja

three miller against white backgroundthree miller against white background

Three Miller

Three Miller

Coñac, Ron Blanco, Zumo de Limón, Granadina

ray long against white backgroundray long against white background

Ray Long

Ray Long

Vermú Seco, Coñac, Pastis, Bíter

green rom against white backgroundgreen rom against white background

Green Rom

Green Rom

Vermú Seco, Coñac, Curaçao de Naranja

j.o.s. against white backgroundj.o.s. against white background



Vermú Seco, Ginebra, Coñac, Vermú (dulce), Bíter, Zumo de Limón

lady be good against white backgroundlady be good against white background

Lady Be Good

Lady Be Good

Coñac, "crème de Menthe" (blanca), Vermú (dulce)

newton’s special against white backgroundnewton’s special against white background

Newton’s Special

Newton’s Special

Coñac, Triple Seco, Bíter

rock-a-vie against white backgroundrock-a-vie against white background



Coñac, Vermú (dulce), Pimm's Nº 1 Cup

fioupe against white backgroundfioupe against white background



Coñac, Vermú (dulce), Pimm's Nº 1 Cup, Peladura de limón, Cereza

quaker’s against white backgroundquaker’s against white background



Coñac, Ron Blanco, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Frambuesa, Melón, Frambuesa