salty dog in environment
salty dog in environment
salty dog in environment
salty dog against white background

Salty Dog

绝对伏特加原味, 粉红葡萄柚汁, 西柚

3.5 from 375 votes


How to mix a Salty Dog

在长水杯中装满冰块。 添加所有原料。 用西柚装饰。

如何搭配Salty Dog

The salt rim is quite easy to make. Take a wedge of lime or lemon, and wet the rim of the glass with it. Pour some salt (any salt will do but a flake salt is a bit more chic) -- on a small plate and simply dip the glass rim in it. Voilà -- you just gave a glass the characteristic, cool Salty Dog look.


绝对伏特加原味 粉红葡萄柚汁 西柚