planter’s punch in environment
planter’s punch in environment
planter’s punch against white background

Planter’s Punch

牙买加黑朗姆酒, 青柠汁, 柠檬汁, 红石榴糖浆, 薄荷叶

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How to mix a Planter’s Punch

在波士顿摇酒壶中装满冰块。 添加所有原料。 摇匀、过滤到冰镇 长水杯中。 用薄荷叶装饰。

如何搭配Planter’s Punch

The cocktail has been said to have originated at the Planters Hotel in Charleston, SC, but the recipe originates in Jamaica. The September 1878 issue of the London magazine Fun listed the recipe as follows: "A wine-glass with lemon juice fill, of sugar the same glass fill twice / Then rub them together until / The mixture looks smooth, soft, and nice. / Of rum then three wine glasses add, / And four of cold water please take. A Drink then you'll have that's not bad — / At least, so they say in Jamaica."


牙买加黑朗姆酒 青柠汁 柠檬汁 红石榴糖浆 薄荷叶