Bebidas e coquetéis com Morango

Uma das frutas vermelhas mais adoradas, também é conhecida por suas qualidades afrodisíacas. Você precisará tirar as folhinhas verdes antes de amassar, mas para guarnição, pode apenas lavar. Se quiser que uma bebida fique com o gosto do verão, use morangos: é difícil errar.

basil grande against white backgroundbasil grande against white background

Basil Grande

Basil Grande

Absolut Vodka, Suco de cranberry, Licor de amora preta, Triple Sec, Morango, Manjericão

strawberry delight against white backgroundstrawberry delight against white background

Strawberry Delight

Strawberry Delight

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Licor de morango, Morango

queen of bahia against white backgroundqueen of bahia against white background

Queen of Bahia

Queen of Bahia

Cachaça, Licor de morango, Morango, Limão

shillelagh punch against white backgroundshillelagh punch against white background

Shillelagh Punch

Shillelagh Punch

Uísque escocês, Rum claro, Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Limão, Laranja, Morango

lanesborough against white backgroundlanesborough against white background



Suco de cranberry, Сок из маракуйи, Triple Sec, Champanhe, Morango

absolut strawberry shooter against white backgroundabsolut strawberry shooter against white background

Absolut Strawberry Shooter

Absolut Strawberry Shooter

Absolut Kurant, Xarope simples, Morango

absolut vanilia flower against white backgroundabsolut vanilia flower against white background

Absolut Vanilia Flower

Absolut Vanilia Flower

Absolut Vanilia, Xarope de morango, Suco de manga, Água com gás, Folha de hortelã, Morango

cognac coulis against white backgroundcognac coulis against white background

Cognac Coulis

Cognac Coulis

Conhaque, Brandy sabor laranja, Kiwi, Morango

big buff against white backgroundbig buff against white background

Big Buff

Big Buff

Bourbon, Suco de cranberry, Licor de amora preta, Suco de Limão, Framboesa, Mirtilo, Morango

absolut hot and sweet basil against white backgroundabsolut hot and sweet basil against white background

Absolut Hot And Sweet Basil

Absolut Hot And Sweet Basil

Absolut Peppar, Manjericão, Morango

peanut butter & jelly martini against white backgroundpeanut butter & jelly martini against white background

Peanut Butter & Jelly Martini

Peanut Butter & Jelly Martini

Absolut Vodka, Licor de cassis, Licor de avelã, Compota de morango, Morango

calvados special against white backgroundcalvados special against white background

Calvados Special

Calvados Special

Calvados, Champanhe, Morango

royal drink against white backgroundroyal drink against white background

Royal Drink

Royal Drink

Curaçao de laranja, Vinho branco, Champanhe, Abacaxi, Morango

grand smash against white backgroundgrand smash against white background

Grand Smash

Grand Smash

Triple Sec, Licor de cereja, Champanhe, Morango

strawberry kick against white backgroundstrawberry kick against white background

Strawberry Kick

Strawberry Kick

Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Morango, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre)

fruit cup against white backgroundfruit cup against white background

Fruit Cup

Fruit Cup

Plymouth Fruit Cup, Limonada, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Pepino, Limão, Folha de hortelã, Morango

ahus revisited in environmentahus revisited in environment

Ahus Revisited

Ahus Revisited

Aquavit, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Rhubarb and rosemary syrup, Água com gás, Morango

bourbon cobbler against white backgroundbourbon cobbler against white background

Bourbon Cobbler

Bourbon Cobbler

Bourbon, Curaçao de laranja, Cordial de Limão, Licor amargo de laranja, Raspas de limão, Morango, Folha de hortelã, Laranja, Cereja marrasquino

strawberry fizz against white backgroundstrawberry fizz against white background

Strawberry Fizz

Strawberry Fizz

Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Creme de leite, Água com gás, Morango

absolut basil against white backgroundabsolut basil against white background

Absolut Basil

Absolut Basil

Absolut Peppar, Manjericão, Morango, Folha de hortelã

mayday martini against white backgroundmayday martini against white background

Mayday Martini

Mayday Martini

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope de canela, Morango

fraise prince of bel air in environmentfraise prince of bel air in environment

Fraise Prince Of Bel Air

Fraise Prince Of Bel Air

Absolut Elyx, Cerveja de gengibre, Suze, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Morango, Manjericão

jayne mansfield against white backgroundjayne mansfield against white background

Jayne Mansfield

Jayne Mansfield

Rum envelhecido do tipo cubano, Licor de morango, Xarope simples, Champanhe, Morango

marroccan mint against white backgroundmarroccan mint against white background

Marroccan Mint

Marroccan Mint

Absolut Peppar, Xarope simples, Morango, Folha de hortelã, Limão