Bebidas e coquetéis com Limão

Os limões são muito usados como guarnição e podem ser cortados em fatias, cunhas ou quartos se esmagados. Para obter um efeito extra, salpique açúcar em um prato e passe os limões. Se quiser outro sabor (canela, por exemplo), no outro lado da cunha, prepare dois pratos! A casca também pode ser usada como a espiral do limão (Pescoço de Cavalo). Faça sua espiral de limão com uma faca torcida (um bom investimento!) ou com uma mão firme e uma faca comum.

business time in environmentbusiness time in environment

Business Time

Business Time

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Melaço, Licor de banana, Amargos de cardamomo, Água tônica, Limão

absolut rhubarb and custardabsolut rhubarb and custard

Absolut Rhubarb and Custard

Absolut Rhubarb and Custard

Absolut Vanilia, Licor de ruibarbo, Xarope simples, Limão

absolut news in environmentabsolut news in environment

Absolut News

Absolut News

Absolut Vodka, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Triple Sec, Água com gás, Limão

horse’s neck in environmenthorse’s neck in environment

Horse’s Neck

Horse’s Neck

Bourbon, Bebida tipo Bitter, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão

absolut berri açai sour against white backgroundabsolut berri açai sour against white background

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

AAbsolut Berri Açaí, Abacaxi, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Limão, Mirtilo

astor against white backgroundastor against white background



Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Punsh sueco, Suco de laranja, Limão

absolut peachroska against white backgroundabsolut peachroska against white background

Absolut Peachroska

Absolut Peachroska

Absolut Apeach, Limão, Limão, Açúcar, ultrarrefinado, Pêssego

trafalgar against white backgroundtrafalgar against white background



Gim (velho Tom), Suco de Limão, Bebida tipo Bitter, Limão, Cereja marrasquino

absolut apeach cosmopolitan against white backgroundabsolut apeach cosmopolitan against white background

Absolut Apeach Cosmopolitan

Absolut Apeach Cosmopolitan

Absolut Apeach, Triple Sec, Suco de Limão, Suco de cranberry, Limão

apple grand marnier against white backgroundapple grand marnier against white background

Apple Grand Marnier

Apple Grand Marnier

Conhaque, Calvados, Triple Sec, Limão, Laranja

shillelagh punch against white backgroundshillelagh punch against white background

Shillelagh Punch

Shillelagh Punch

Uísque escocês, Rum claro, Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Limão, Laranja, Morango

japanese fizz against white backgroundjapanese fizz against white background

Japanese Fizz

Japanese Fizz

Bourbon, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Vinho do Porto tinto, Clara de ovos, Água com gás, Limão, Cereja marrasquino

elephant walk against white backgroundelephant walk against white background

Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk

Gim, Tequila , Suco de laranja, Bebida tipo Bitter, Groselha, Pepino, Limão, Laranja

brandy sour against white backgroundbrandy sour against white background

Brandy Sour

Brandy Sour

Conhaque, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Clara de ovos, Limão, Cereja

st clements against white backgroundst clements against white background

St Clements

St Clements

Suco de laranja, Refrigerante de Limão, Limão, Laranja

summer iced tea in environmentsummer iced tea in environment

Summer Iced Tea

Summer Iced Tea

Absolut Lime, Chá gelado de limão, Framboesa, Limão

harvard against white backgroundharvard against white background



Conhaque, Vermute, doce, Bebida tipo Bitter, Limão

absolut raspberri sour against white backgroundabsolut raspberri sour against white background

Absolut Raspberri Sour

Absolut Raspberri Sour

Absolut Raspberri, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Xarope simples, Limão, Framboesa

dama blanca against white backgrounddama blanca against white background

Dama Blanca

Dama Blanca

Gim, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Triple Sec, Limão, Laranja

absolut äpple with ginger ale against white backgroundabsolut äpple with ginger ale against white background

Absolut Äpple with Ginger Ale

Absolut Äpple with Ginger Ale

Absolut Äpple, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre), Limão, Maçã

apple orchard fizz against white backgroundapple orchard fizz against white background

Apple Orchard Fizz

Apple Orchard Fizz

Absolut Juice Apple, Refrigerante de Limão, Suco de laranja, Limão

black magic against white backgroundblack magic against white background

Black Magic

Black Magic

Absolut Vodka, Licor Kahlúa, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Limão

shanghai fizz against white backgroundshanghai fizz against white background

Shanghai Fizz

Shanghai Fizz

Gim, Licor de lichia, Suco de abacaxi, Xarope simples, Folha de hortelã, Lichia, Limão, Ginger Ale (Refrigerante de gengibre)

st. clementine crush against white backgroundst. clementine crush against white background

St. Clementine Crush

St. Clementine Crush

Gim, Licor de mandarina, Limão, Mandarina