Bebidas e coquetéis com Licor de cereja

Esse é um licor com sabor de cerejas. Uma ampla diversidade de marcas está disponível e elas variam um pouco em teor alcoólico e sabor. Um licor muito maduro e útil

le topper's against white backgroundle topper's against white background

Le Topper's

Le Topper's

Suco de laranja, Brandy de cereja, Licor de cereja, Champanhe

night express to paris against white backgroundnight express to paris against white background

Night Express To Paris

Night Express To Paris

Conhaque, Licor de cereja, Limão

just happy against white backgroundjust happy against white background

Just Happy

Just Happy

Absolut Vodka, Licor de cereja, Clara de ovos, Cordial de Limão, Triple Sec

frances ann against white backgroundfrances ann against white background

Frances Ann

Frances Ann

Uísque escocês, Vermute seco, Licor de cereja

hiker against white backgroundhiker against white background



Uísque canadense, Licor de cereja, Cereja marrasquino

cirquit against white backgroundcirquit against white background



Conhaque, Campari, Licor de cereja, Laranja

nightwatch cocktail against white backgroundnightwatch cocktail against white background

Nightwatch Cocktail

Nightwatch Cocktail

Rum claro, Licor de cereja, Triple Sec, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Cereja marrasquino

nino's special against white backgroundnino's special against white background

Nino's Special

Nino's Special

Absolut Vodka, Licor de cereja, Suco de laranja, Groselha, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Cereja marrasquino

master of the hounds against white backgroundmaster of the hounds against white background

Master of The Hounds

Master of The Hounds

Bourbon, Licor de cereja, Bebida tipo Bitter

conca d’oro against white backgroundconca d’oro against white background

Conca D’oro

Conca D’oro

Gim, Licor de cereja, Licor marrasquino, Triple Sec, Laranja

capitol against white backgroundcapitol against white background



Bourbon, Licor de cereja, Vermute, doce, Bebida tipo Bitter

tops’ smile against white backgroundtops’ smile against white background

Tops’ Smile

Tops’ Smile

Conhaque, Licor de cereja, Licor de uísque/mel , Anisette, Suco de lima-da-pérsia, Suco de laranja

friendship seven against white backgroundfriendship seven against white background

Friendship Seven

Friendship Seven

Absolut Vodka, Vermute, doce, Licor de cereja, Raspas de limão

long philip jackson against white backgroundlong philip jackson against white background

Long Philip Jackson

Long Philip Jackson

Gim, Pimms Cup Nº 1, Licor de cereja, Suco de lima-da-pérsia

glory cocktail against white backgroundglory cocktail against white background

Glory Cocktail

Glory Cocktail

Gim, Vermute seco, Licor de cereja, Dubonnet, Vermute, doce, Cereja, Laranja, Framboesa

high hat against white backgroundhigh hat against white background

High Hat

High Hat

Uísque de centeio, Licor de cereja, Suco de lima-da-pérsia

copenheering against white backgroundcopenheering against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de cereja, Suco de lima-da-pérsia

café kirsch against white backgroundcafé kirsch against white background

Café Kirsch

Café Kirsch

Café gelado, Licor de cereja, Clara de ovos, Xarope simples

anno 1963 against white backgroundanno 1963 against white background

Anno 1963

Anno 1963

Absolut Vodka, Vermute seco, Licor de cereja, Licor de banana, Bebida tipo Bitter, Laranja

plaisir against white backgroundplaisir against white background



Absolut Vodka, Licor de cereja, Dubonnet, Laranja

rugiada against white backgroundrugiada against white background



Rum claro, Gim, Licor de cereja, Suco de laranja

best intentions against white backgroundbest intentions against white background

Best Intentions

Best Intentions

Rum escuro da Jamaica, Licor de cereja, Suco de laranja

sas polar against white backgroundsas polar against white background

Sas Polar

Sas Polar

Bourbon, Licor de cereja, Suco de laranja

pop 65 against white backgroundpop 65 against white background

Pop 65

Pop 65

Uísque canadense, Suco de Limão, Punsh sueco, Triple Sec, Licor de cereja, Bebida tipo Bitter, Laranja