Bebidas y cócteles con Limón

El limón es un adorno muy utilizado que puede cortarse a rodajas, a trozos, a cuartos, o machacado.Para obtener un efecto adicional, pon una tira de azúcar y moja el limón. Si quieres añadir otro sabor (canela, por ejemplo) al otro trozo, prepara dos tiras. La piel también puede utilizarse como adorno, como la espiral de limón (del cóctel Horse's Neck). Haz tu propia espiral de limón con un cuchillo en espiral (¡un buen invento!), o si tienes buen pulso, utiliza un cuchillo normal.

bourbon highball against white backgroundbourbon highball against white background

Bourbon Highball

Bourbon Highball

Bourbon, Ginger-ale, Limón

absolut lemon against white backgroundabsolut lemon against white background

Absolut Lemon

Absolut Lemon

Absolut Vodka, Bíter de Limón, Limón, Albahaca

new york mule against white backgroundnew york mule against white background

New York Mule

New York Mule

Absolut Citron, Zumo de Lima, Ginger Beer, Limón, Lima

cardinal punch against white backgroundcardinal punch against white background

Cardinal Punch

Cardinal Punch

Zumo de Arándano, Ginger-ale, Zumo de Naranja, Zumo de Limón, Limón, Naranja

absolut citron maryabsolut citron mary

Absolut Citron Mary

Absolut Citron Mary

Absolut Citron, Zumo de Tomate, Vinagre Balsámico, Zumo de Limón, Sal de ajo, Salsa Picante, Limón

business time in environmentbusiness time in environment

Business Time

Business Time

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Limón, Sirope de miel, Licor de Plátano, Amargos de cardamomo, Tónica, Limón

black magic against white backgroundblack magic against white background

Black Magic

Black Magic

Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa, Zumo de Limón, Limón

st. clementine crush against white backgroundst. clementine crush against white background

St. Clementine Crush

St. Clementine Crush

Ginebra, Licor de Mandarina, Limón, Mandarina

astor against white backgroundastor against white background



Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Punsch Sueco, Zumo de Naranja, Limón

harvard against white backgroundharvard against white background



Coñac, Vermú (dulce), Bíter, Limón

elephant walk against white backgroundelephant walk against white background

Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk

Ginebra, Tequila Blanco, Zumo de Naranja, Bíter, Granadina, Pepino, Limón, Naranja

the elyx spritz in environmentthe elyx spritz in environment

The Elyx Spritz

The Elyx Spritz

Absolut Elyx, Tónica de saúco, Lillet Rose, Limón

absolut berri açai sour against white backgroundabsolut berri açai sour against white background

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

Absolut Berri Açai Sour

Absolut Berri Açaí, Piña, Azúcar Extrafino, Limón, Arándano

basin street against white backgroundbasin street against white background

Basin Street

Basin Street

Whisky Escocés, Vermú Seco, Campari, Limón

dama blanca against white backgrounddama blanca against white background

Dama Blanca

Dama Blanca

Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Triple Seco, Limón, Naranja

brandy sour against white backgroundbrandy sour against white background

Brandy Sour

Brandy Sour

Coñac, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Clara de Huevo, Limón, Cereza

absolut raspberri sour against white backgroundabsolut raspberri sour against white background

Absolut Raspberri Sour

Absolut Raspberri Sour

Absolut Raspberri, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limón, Frambuesa

summer iced tea in environmentsummer iced tea in environment

Summer Iced Tea

Summer Iced Tea

Absolut Lime, Té Frío de Limón, Frambuesa, Limón

st clements against white backgroundst clements against white background

St Clements

St Clements

Zumo de Naranja, Soda de Lima-limón, Limón, Naranja

absolut äpple with ginger ale against white backgroundabsolut äpple with ginger ale against white background

Absolut Äpple with Ginger Ale

Absolut Äpple with Ginger Ale

Absolut Äpple, Ginger-ale, Limón, Manzana

dmc against white backgrounddmc against white background



Absolut Citron, Limoncello, Sirope de Vainilla, Limón, Hoja de Menta

shillelagh punch against white backgroundshillelagh punch against white background

Shillelagh Punch

Shillelagh Punch

Whisky Escocés, Ron Blanco, Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limón, Naranja, Fresa

all stars against white backgroundall stars against white background

All Stars

All Stars

Ginebra, Pimm's Nº 1 Cup, Curaçao de Naranja, Vermú (dulce), Limón, Cereza Al Maraschino

apple orchard fizz against white backgroundapple orchard fizz against white background

Apple Orchard Fizz

Apple Orchard Fizz

Absolut Juice Apple, Soda de Lima-limón, Zumo de Naranja, Limón