Bebidas y cócteles con Limón

El limón es un adorno muy utilizado que puede cortarse a rodajas, a trozos, a cuartos, o machacado.Para obtener un efecto adicional, pon una tira de azúcar y moja el limón. Si quieres añadir otro sabor (canela, por ejemplo) al otro trozo, prepara dos tiras. La piel también puede utilizarse como adorno, como la espiral de limón (del cóctel Horse's Neck). Haz tu propia espiral de limón con un cuchillo en espiral (¡un buen invento!), o si tienes buen pulso, utiliza un cuchillo normal.

cinnamon warmer against white backgroundcinnamon warmer against white background

Cinnamon Warmer

Cinnamon Warmer

Ron Oscuro (añejo), Calvados, Zumo de Limón, Miel Líquida, Zumo de Manzana, Limón, Naranja

masquerade sea breeze against white backgroundmasquerade sea breeze against white background

Masquerade Sea Breeze

Masquerade Sea Breeze

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Arándano, Zumo de Pomelo, Limón

absolut sun seeker against white backgroundabsolut sun seeker against white background

Absolut Sun Seeker

Absolut Sun Seeker

Absolut Citron, Almíbar, Limón, Lima

a.1 against white backgrounda.1 against white background



Old Tom Gin, Licor de Hierbas , Zumo de Limón, Granadina, Limón

bunny bonanza against white backgroundbunny bonanza against white background

Bunny Bonanza

Bunny Bonanza

Tequila Blanco, Applejack, Zumo de Limón, Curaçao de Naranja, Almíbar, Limón

mancino against white backgroundmancino against white background



Whisky Escocés, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Anís, Limón

scotch holiday sour against white backgroundscotch holiday sour against white background

Scotch Holiday Sour

Scotch Holiday Sour

Whisky Escocés, Brandy de Cereza, Zumo de Limón, Clara de Huevo, Vermú (dulce), Limón

lemon calm against white backgroundlemon calm against white background

Lemon Calm

Lemon Calm

Zumo Prensado de Manzana Fresca, Whisky/licor de Miel , Zumo de Limón, Sirope de Vainilla, Champán, Limón

strong arm in environmentstrong arm in environment

Strong Arm

Strong Arm

Absolut Vodka, Ginebra, Curaçao Azul, Limón

absolut apeach fizz against white backgroundabsolut apeach fizz against white background

Absolut Apeach Fizz

Absolut Apeach Fizz

Absolut Apeach, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón, Melocotón

absolut one source against white backgroundabsolut one source against white background

Absolut One Source

Absolut One Source

Absolut Vodka, Zumo Prensado de Manzana Fresca, Agua Hirviendo, Miel, Zumo de Limón, Soda, Limón

ballet girl against white backgroundballet girl against white background

Ballet Girl

Ballet Girl

Ginebra, Campari, Dubonnet, Limón, Naranja

elderflower sparkle against white backgroundelderflower sparkle against white background

Elderflower Sparkle

Elderflower Sparkle

Soda, Refresco de Saúco, Zumo de Limón, Limón

absolut apeach squeeze against white backgroundabsolut apeach squeeze against white background

Absolut Apeach Squeeze

Absolut Apeach Squeeze

Absolut Apeach, Limonada, Limón

remsen cooler gin against white backgroundremsen cooler gin against white background

Remsen Cooler Gin

Remsen Cooler Gin

Ginebra, Soda, Limón

two inches of cucumber against white backgroundtwo inches of cucumber against white background

Two Inches of Cucumber

Two Inches of Cucumber

Absolut Vodka, Triple Seco, Almíbar, Pepino, Limón

apricot mango martini against white backgroundapricot mango martini against white background

Apricot Mango Martini

Apricot Mango Martini

Brandy de Albaricoque, Ginebra, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Limón, Mango

absolut smooth against white backgroundabsolut smooth against white background

Absolut Smooth

Absolut Smooth

Absolut Vodka, Fruta de la Pasión, Limón, Albahaca, Azúcar Extrafino

absolut lemon melon against white backgroundabsolut lemon melon against white background

Absolut Lemon Melon

Absolut Lemon Melon

Absolut Citron, Licor de Melón, Limón




Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Granada, Zumo de Arándano, "crème de Cassis", Zumo de Limón, Granadina, Cereza, Limón

absolut pears mango against white backgroundabsolut pears mango against white background

Absolut Pears Mango

Absolut Pears Mango

Absolut Pears, Concentrado de Mango, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón

mandrin cherry smash against white backgroundmandrin cherry smash against white background

Mandrin Cherry Smash

Mandrin Cherry Smash

Absolut Mandrin, Brandy de Cereza, Limón, Mandarina

mint lemonade against white backgroundmint lemonade against white background

Mint Lemonade

Mint Lemonade

Agua, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Hoja de Menta, Limón

allegheny against white backgroundallegheny against white background



Bourbon, Vermú Seco, Brandy de Mora, Zumo de Limón, Limón