Bebidas y cócteles con Limón

El limón es un adorno muy utilizado que puede cortarse a rodajas, a trozos, a cuartos, o machacado.Para obtener un efecto adicional, pon una tira de azúcar y moja el limón. Si quieres añadir otro sabor (canela, por ejemplo) al otro trozo, prepara dos tiras. La piel también puede utilizarse como adorno, como la espiral de limón (del cóctel Horse's Neck). Haz tu propia espiral de limón con un cuchillo en espiral (¡un buen invento!), o si tienes buen pulso, utiliza un cuchillo normal.

apricot fizz against white backgroundapricot fizz against white background

Apricot Fizz

Apricot Fizz

Brandy de Albaricoque, Zumo de Limón, Soda, Limón

bishop cocktail against white backgroundbishop cocktail against white background

Bishop Cocktail

Bishop Cocktail

Whisky Escocés, Zumo de Naranja, Vermú (dulce), Chartreuse Verde, Limón

bourbon lancer against white backgroundbourbon lancer against white background

Bourbon Lancer

Bourbon Lancer

Bourbon, Bíter, Champán, Limón

absolut vanilia with cloudy apple juice against white backgroundabsolut vanilia with cloudy apple juice against white background

Absolut Vanilia with Cloudy Apple Juice

Absolut Vanilia with Cloudy Apple Juice

Absolut Vanilia, Zumo de Manzana, Limón

black pepper against white backgroundblack pepper against white background

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Absolut Peppar, Cola, Limón

42nd street against white background42nd street against white background

42nd Street

42nd Street

Bourbon, Vermú Seco, Triple Seco, Limón, Cereza Al Maraschino

mamie taylor against white backgroundmamie taylor against white background

Mamie Taylor

Mamie Taylor

Whisky Escocés, Zumo de Limón, Ginger-ale, Limón

dandy shandy against white backgrounddandy shandy against white background

Dandy Shandy

Dandy Shandy

Absolut Juice Apple, Sidra, Ginger Beer, Zumo de Limón, Pera, Limón

free dreaming against white backgroundfree dreaming against white background

Free Dreaming

Free Dreaming

Kombucha, Absolut Passionfruit, Sugar Syrup, Limón, Hoja de Menta

bubble margarita against white backgroundbubble margarita against white background

Bubble Margarita

Bubble Margarita

Tequila Blanco, Zumo de Lima, Triple Seco, Champán, Limón

absolut ruby sour against white backgroundabsolut ruby sour against white background

Absolut Ruby Sour

Absolut Ruby Sour

Absolut Ruby Red, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Cereza, Limón

absolut summer fudge against white backgroundabsolut summer fudge against white background

Absolut Summer Fudge

Absolut Summer Fudge

Absolut Citron, Licor de Caramelo, Zumo de Lima, Soda, Limón

long tom cooler against white backgroundlong tom cooler against white background

Long Tom Cooler

Long Tom Cooler

Old Tom Gin, Soda, Limón

arnaud’s against white backgroundarnaud’s against white background



Whisky Escocés, Dubonnet, Bíter de Naranja, Limón

amour crusta against white backgroundamour crusta against white background

Amour Crusta

Amour Crusta

Oporto Tinto, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Licor de Maraschino, Curaçao de Naranja, Zumo de Lima, Bíter de Melocotón, Limón

absolut hibiskus lemonade against white backgroundabsolut hibiskus lemonade against white background

Absolut Hibiskus Lemonade

Absolut Hibiskus Lemonade

Absolut Hibiskus, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón

record against white backgroundrecord against white background



Whisky Canadiense, Zumo de Limón, Zumo de Piña, Zumo de Frambuesa, Limón, Cereza Al Maraschino, Piña

night express to paris against white backgroundnight express to paris against white background

Night Express To Paris

Night Express To Paris

Coñac, Licor de Cereza, Limón

apple blossom against white backgroundapple blossom against white background

Apple Blossom

Apple Blossom

Applejack, Zumo Prensado de Manzana Fresca, Zumo de Limón, Sirope de Arce, Limón

point blank in environmentpoint blank in environment

Point Blank

Point Blank

Aquavit, Vermú Seco, Limón, Aceituna Verde

rye daisy against white backgroundrye daisy against white background

Rye Daisy

Rye Daisy

Whisky de Centeno, Chartreuse Amarillo, Zumo de Limón, Almíbar, Soda, Limón, Melocotón

bald head against white backgroundbald head against white background

Bald Head

Bald Head

Ginebra, Vermú Seco, Vermú (dulce), Pastis, Limón

carine against white backgroundcarine against white background



Ginebra, Dubonnet, Licor de Mandarina, Limón

blue virgin against white backgroundblue virgin against white background

Blue Virgin

Blue Virgin

Absolut Vodka, Zumo de Endrina, Limón, Mango